The Recruitment Marketing Playbook – New Resource

Unemployment has held steady at a 50-year low of 3.6 percent for the past two months. This trend has created an Applicant Economy, meaning job seekers have the flexibility to be more selective than ever before when it comes to making career moves and employers need to sell top talent on their open roles.

Given the competitive hiring market, recruitment costs, including hard costs – such overspending on recruitment channels – and hidden costs – such as wasting time on unqualified applicants and lost productivity due to open roles – add up quickly. Your team needs an effective recruitment marketing strategy to ensure you’re attracting qualified candidates without overspending to fill your open roles.
One way to improve your recruitment marketing efforts overall is by partnering with a recruitment CRM platform, which offers not only job board capabilities, but also integrated solutions to help you attract and hire your best team while saving time and money.
In this playbook, we’ve outlined several steps your team can take to improve your strategy, including:

  • Take inventory of your applicant channels
  • Measure quality and ROI by channel
  • Build a strong employer brand
  • Continuously improve your recruitment marketing strategy

Download the “Hireology Recruitment Marketing Playbook” here >



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