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How Has Recruiting Changed In 2020?

Recruiting in 2020

Recruiting has changed significantly since the outbreak of the pandemic. Gyrations in the job market are leading to unfilled vacancies in some industries and mass lay-offs in others. Things look very different from the start of 2020, and many agencies are wondering which way they should turn next.

In this post, we take a look at some of the ways recruiting is changing in 2020. 

Agencies Are Reaching Out To Professional And Alumni Associations

At the moment, recruiters are finding it challenging to fill professional posts. Those in sophisticated roles appear content to hang on to their positions instead of branching out and looking for new opportunities.

Agencies, therefore, are having to think a little out of the box. Many are seeing positive returns from reaching out to professional and alumni associations. Creating these connections allows them to tap into a larger pool of relevant talent than they could before, accessing the kind of people able to provide the skills they need to meet their clients’ demands. 

Agencies Are Partnering With Free Job Boards And Candidate Pools

Job boards and candidate pools are a valuable resource for recruiters. They provide a wealth of information about who is currently in the job market and the roles that most appeal to them. 

One of our staffing firm members is currently partnering with Lee Hecht Harrison Outplacement Services to enhance its pool of candidates. Interestingly, the arrangement is about more than providing a larger pool of prospective employees for the outfit’s clients. It’s also about coaching, leadership development, change management, and career mobile. The recruitment agency can benefit from all of the ancillary services that Lee Hect Harrison offers. 

Recruiting Is Picking Up In The Creative Space

Another member reported that recruiting was picking up in the creative space. As the economy opens back up again, agencies are looking for individuals who can meet the new demand. 

Disruption in the sector was lower than many people expected. Companies laid off relatively few people during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak. And many employees continue to work from home without any issues. 

Companies Want To Conduct More Video Interviews For Safety Reasons

Inviting candidates onto your premises is not a dangerous activity in regular times. But during a pandemic, it’s a different matter entirely. Each person is potentially a disease risk. 

Companies, therefore, are using video interview formats more and more and asking recruiters to facilitate these. 

Technically, a video interview should be the same as the regular in-person variety, but that’s rarely the case. The inability to use body language means that many candidates need recruitment agencies to provide special training. Simple things, such as looking into the camera and not at the device’s screen, can profoundly affect the chances of success. Recruiters are also working hard to develop candidates’ ability to develop a rapport with their interviewers, even when they are not face-to-face.

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