You can see 3 nice job description features below from new hospital organization U.S. Acute Solutions:

1. A picture of every office (hospital)

This is an easy feature that every hospital group should consider since candidates want to picture where they work (and most hospitals have a quality picture of their location). The same applies to any retail-type employer. The retail location typically is a well-thought out building (since customers have to show up there!) and including the photo in your job description is a differentiator. I’m shocked that more fast-food chains don’t do this on all their retail job descriptions!

 Picture of Office on Job Description

2. “Community” Paragraph

Check it out this is the last paragraph of the JD — it describes the town that this hospital is in. In this case it is a charming Goldrush town and the copywriting reads like it came out of a travel guide! Location content is important to include because it will appeal to the many healthcare candidates who are willing to relocate. Always consider what’s unique when writing job descriptions.

Community Section of Job Description

3. Contact a Recruiter

The form at the bottom encourages candidates to ask the recruiter a question. This helps solve a problem that many candidates face: they might not be ready to apply. If that’s the case, don’t force them to…just offer them a soft call-to-action like this Contact a Recruiter form (or a Talent Community/Job Alert capture). Smart.

USAcute Care Contact a Recruiter

Congrats on the terrific job description, USACS!

Here’s the full job description if you want to see the job description features altogether:

For tips on writing job descriptions, check out How to Write a Job Description — Best Practices & Examples.

by in Job Descriptions