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Five Strategies To Help Managers Identify And Encourage Productivity Among Remote Teams

Forbes Human Resources Council
Laura Spawn

Companies with remote team members can sometimes suffer unnecessary turnover and employee dissatisfaction when it isn’t clear how well an employee is performing. The employee may have stellar performance, but if that isn’t visible to management, chances are they will end up feeling underappreciated and as though they have to prove their worth and productivity in their position, and they may even come under scrutiny at times.

To avoid these types of situations where productivity is called into question, business owners and managers of team members who don’t work together in person should try to avoid situations wherein outcomes and expectations aren’t always clear. Here are five strategies that may help employers gain a better view of the value each employee brings to their company — even if they aren’t physically in the office — and help employees see their own contributions to the company’s goals and values.

1. Craft clear job descriptions.

Job descriptions can sometimes be left ambiguous on purpose so they function as a sort of catchall for the various duties that may need to be performed. But with remote team members, it is essential to establish clear expectations from the start. Not only will this prevent confusion on what the priorities of the position are, but it also helps pave the way for identifying measurable outcomes of productivity.

2. Identify measurable outcomes for key areas of the job.

With a clear job description that explicitly lists a business owner’s expectations for the role, it is much easier to identify measurable outcomes based on those expectations. And tying each facet of the job description to an outcome that is measurable by data gives both the employee and the manager a clear view of productivity levels. For instance, if an employee in HR is responsible for improving company morale, the outcome could be based on measurable data such as attendance at company events or employee turnover, or even the results of a satisfaction survey conducted among employees.

3. Make data available.

Giving team members access to internal data that allows them to see their own progress and productivity within their position is essential for both employee motivation and transparency. This is particularly true if it becomes necessary to give feedback regarding performance issues, or when considering pay increases, promotions or other changes tied to productivity. Data transparency related to individual job positions protects both the company and the employee, giving both ongoing information and immediate opportunities for feedback. Utilizing an HR software system that allows employees to provide weekly updates as well as track progress toward goals can also help both the employer and employee keep a clear view of productivity.

4. Require online worker engagement.

Requiring engagement as part of the job description through daily check-ins, set video meetings, on-site event attendance and other means of regular contact keeps remote workers involved, accountable and visible to the company and their managers. Management should take the initiative to create opportunities for engagement among their team members, with a strong focus on sharing knowledge and collaboration among colleagues. For remote team members, holding consistent 90-day reviews of goals and productivity can prove valuable, as well, to make sure everyone is kept on the same page with current expectations.

5. Give regular feedback.

Arguably one of the most important strategies for identifying productivity among remote team members is regular feedback and contact with their direct managers. Even if an employee who works remotely is highly productive and it is easily seen, providing regular feedback boosts employee morale and keeps them focused on the original priorities outlined in the job description. Without contact, even the most productive employees can fall into the trap of being productive in areas that don’t entirely align with the company’s goals for their position.

Utilizing these five strategies can prove beneficial to business owners and managers who may struggle with keeping tabs on what their remote employees are accomplishing, and whether those accomplishments actually — and continuously — align with the company goals and values. Recognizing the contributions of remote team members through consistent feedback will keep your team happy and motivated, and doing so with measurable outcomes will provide clear data on what is working (or not working) so you can keep your staff, and your business, on the right track.

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