5 Earth-Friendly Stats: Telecommuting, Digital Nomads, Remote Workers

5 Benefits of Working From Home, for the Environment and your Employee's Well-Being

"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." -Jane Goodall

In early 2020, companies adapted to a new way of operating when Covid-19 forced everyone to work from home. This trend of working is becoming more permanent, and even after the pandemic ends, two-thirds of workers would like to keep telecommuting, with good reason. There have been many advantages of working from home for both employers and employees, including lessening your company's carbon footprint, and allowing for more diverse hires. If you're still not sold, here are 5 benefits of letting your employees work from home, for both the environment, and your employee's well-being!

1. Less Commuting = Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Transportation, including commuting to the office, is responsible for 28% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Allowing your employees to work from home, even part-time, could reduce carbon emissions by over 51 million metric tons a year! So giving your employees the option to telecommute can help your organization reduce its carbon footprint.

2. More Sustainable and Less Waste

Office spaces are notorious for producing waste, from plastic containers tossed during lunch, to reports printed on paper (only 68% of which are recycled)! With workers being remote, most will simply opt for digitized reports, since most people don't own a printer, and employees can use their everyday dishes, since they're just steps away from their kitchens, reducing plastic waste.

3. Remote Workers are Happier!

A happy worker is a good worker. While many people were forced to work from home during the pandemic, 71% of remote workers say they're happy at their job, compared with only 55% of people who are expected to be on-site. Common reasons for increased happiness include less commute time, better work-life balance, and increased focus. Remote workers are also 13% more likely than on-site workers to say they'll stay at their jobs for the next 5 years. So allowing your employees to keep working from home, after the pandemic, is also a great employee retention tactic!

4. It Saves Your Company Money

Related to having a happier workforce are the other cost-effective reasons for allowing your employees the flexibility to telecommute. One study found that people who worked from home, just one day a week, were 13% more productive! While colleagues can be great for morale, they can also be a big distraction. Moving to a remote working arrangement also helps save money on rent, utilities, cleaning services, and food.

5. Bigger And More Diverse Talent Pool

With a remote workforce, you can hire the right person for the job, regardless of their physical location. Of course, recruiters have to keep challenges in mind, like timezones, but if you can find the right logistical fit, your candidate pool becomes more diverse and widens exponentially. A shift to remote working can also be part of your strategy to hire more inclusively because it eliminates location bias.

Now you can go ahead and set that meeting with key stakeholders to discuss introducing a permanent remote working option at your organization, even after the pandemic ends. Trust us, the planet and your workforce will thank you.

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