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Seven Non-Work-Related Things Managers Should Encourage Remote Employees To Do

Forbes Human Resources Council

CEO/Co-Founder at Virtual Vocations, one of the leading online job boards focused exclusively on remote jobs

With so many companies now requiring employees to work from home, managers and other business leaders have found themselves tasked not only with making sure team members are still meeting set productivity and efficiency standards, but also with the added responsibilities of tuning in to their employees’ mental states and family circumstances, and providing guidance to their team members on how they can make their career and home lives work together successfully.

Managers and business owners can help employees combat feelings of isolation, fatigue and overwhelm by providing resources and having open conversations on topics that at first glance might seem intuitive, but during a time of transition — such as when someone starts working remotely — may fall to the wayside in order to make time for more work. 

Consider providing resources, information sessions or even optional training seminars to encourage these seven practices outside of work that can help boost employee wellness and productivity.

1. Encourage team members to get adequate sleep. 

number of studies have concluded that a good night’s sleep can lead to a more productive and efficient day — it’s why many companies have started providing napping spaces in their offices for their team members. According to data cited by Healthline, most people need five or six sleep cycles each night to feel refreshed. As a manager, consider educating your employees on the benefits of sleep, and how they can calculate their own ideal amount of shut-eye, so they can be ready for each day.

2. Encourage employees to create and stick to a schedule at home. 

Scheduling the workday has always been a large part of maintaining efficiency and productivity in the remote workplace. With telecommuting arrangements growing in popularity and the possibility of other family members and responsibilities being a part of your employees’ days, it is important for business leaders to encourage their team members to create a schedule that allows adequate time for them to accomplish their work and meet the needs of their family. As a manager, you can work with individual employees to build flexibility into their schedules where possible, making it easier for them to be successful as they work from home.

3. Encourage your team members to drink less caffeine. 

Yes, that’s right: Encouraging your employees to consume less caffeine or other stimulants that leave them nervous, anxious or jittery during their workday can actually help them focus more, which may improve productivity and efficiency. There is research that indicates some caffeine can actually help with alertness and focus; however, too much caffeine can have the opposite effect. Encourage employees to drink more water and take a refreshing walk instead of grabbing another cup of coffee midafternoon.

4. Encourage your employees to volunteer. 

There are many opportunities for volunteer work, and making it an acceptable reason to bow out early for the day — or even offering paid time off to do it — is a great way for an employer to support their team members in their personal lives. Whether your team member is volunteering virtually through an organization like Volunteer Match or serving on their local HOA or PTA board, encouraging volunteerism can increase employee morale. In a 2017 Deloitte study cited by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 77% of employees said volunteerism was essential to their well-being. Volunteering also helps decrease feelings of isolation and loneliness by encouraging remote employees to interact with others in a way that promotes positive mental health and feelings of community.

5. Encourage team members to take time out of their day to stretch. 

With fewer on-site workout options for employees who are still in the office — and those working from home more likely to sit for longer periods of time — chair stretches are a great way to get a boost during the day that will help your team members stay energized and productive, not to mention reduce the general risk of injuries to their muscles from decreased use. If your team isn’t into yoga or Pilates, encourage them to try “deskercise” or chair stretches, which are becoming increasingly popular. They aren’t just for seniors who are less mobile; they’re a great way for those working from home at their desks all day to improve the circulation to their muscles and avoid injury later.

6. Encourage employees to eat lighter at lunch.

While our natural circadian rhythms are mostly to blame for midafternoon sleepiness, if you don’t want your employees napping on the job, consider encouraging them to eat lighter at lunchtime. Employees who eat heavier foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates are likely to experience more drowsiness. To encourage healthier options, consider adding as an employee perk a subscription to a service that delivers smoothies or light lunches weekly. Some of these services even specifically cater to remote employees. 

7. Encourage team members to keep office or desk plants.

Research has shown that having plants in your workspace can have a calming effect and comes with a multitude of other health and environmental benefits, including providing cleaner air and more moisture and even promoting a less stressful work environment overall — and that’s not to mention the boost we may feel from caring for a living thing. If it’s feasible, consider providing an indoor, low-light desk plant as an appreciation gift or company holiday gift for employees who are working from their homes.

Final Thoughts

With so many working remotely in various circumstances and settings, business leaders are being forced to manage their employees on a more holistic level now. After all, measuring productivity based on how many hours a person is in the office is not a viable option when employees are working from home. Instead, encourage your employees to take care of themselves on a personal level. Their increased morale and boosted productivity can only benefit your bottom line.

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