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Meet The New Breed Of Inspirational Leaders

Forbes Human Resources Council
Sherrie Suski

In an organization, the word "mentor" conjures up the image of a wise person offering sage advice — someone who has lived through ups and downs while learning valuable lessons along the way. Those early in their career are frequently told to seek out a mentor, someone experienced who could take them under their wing and provide the tutelage needed to navigate the fast track to success, while sidestepping the landmines.

While mentors still have a role in the workplace, the concept is giving way to a new breed: the idea of the inspirational leader. Employees today are looking to be part of companies that are giving back, and not just to employees, but to their communities and to society as a whole. The inspirational leader brings that broader impact and perspective.

Organizational Impact

Mentors, regardless of their aptitude and expertise, cannot reasonably guide more than a few mentees at a time, whereas the inspirational leader has a broad-reaching impact. An inspirational leader can touch the lives of their entire workforce. Their core traits are infectious, and their leadership abilities inspire those around them. The president of my company, Kevin Baldridge, instills in his team that leadership is a choice to work with people in a way that communicates their worth so clearly that they can see it themselves.

Societal Betterment

Inspirational leaders have a driving need to change the world for the better. In their minds, it’s not about advancing one person’s career, but rather about strengthening a community by investing in its people. For example, our CEO, Gary Berman, has created a $100,000 emergency assistance fund to provide financial relief to residents experiencing hardship. Tim Baxter, CEO of Samsung U.S., personally raises funds for Covenant House, a nonprofit organization that helps homeless children. And Sara Blakely, founder and CEO of Spanx, founded an initiative that provides financial support to various nonprofits.

One could argue this is just good business. I would argue that these are examples of a rare breed of inspirational leader who comprehends that business is not just about personal benefit, but the broader impact.

Lifelong Engagement

While mentor/mentee assignments can last a few years, rarely are they designed to last the scope of a career. They are not designed as dysfunctional, co-dependent therapy sessions that might drag on for decades, but as short-term relationships. Inspirational leaders, on the other hand, frequently perceive their contributions as their life’s work. It is their own personal stamp they will someday leave behind on the world, the gift they have given for a life filled with meaning. These leaders are passionately driven souls whose ambition will expand throughout their lives from their companies to broader society.

More Listening, Less Talking

Mentors are tasked with imparting their vast wealth of knowledge to their mentees and, in general, the most effective way to accomplish that is to talk. They may have regularly scheduled meetings monthly or quarterly, or it may be a more informal passing of the baton. The idea is for those mentees to grab jewels of wisdom, important nuggets of information, that will short-circuit the lengthy road to the top.

Inspirational leaders, however, are often most easily identified by the fact that they listen more than they talk. When they do speak, it is to ask questions to gain clarity or to impart their passion to their audience, not merely to convey information. They behave in a way that reinforces their belief in their vision and in those around them to deliver on that vision.

Employees today are seeking opportunities to be a part of something bigger than themselves. They are looking for companies that have a purpose statement that speaks to the greater good where they can align their careers with their own personal values. Inspirational leaders are redefining the idea of success from one where a single person wins to one where we all win.

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