Introducing Glassdoor’s New Follower Reports - Glassdoor for Employers

Introducing Glassdoor's New Follower Reports

You’ve got followers! Maybe it’s because what your company does is cool, or you have a reputation for having a happy workforce. Or maybe your company has been in the news – or your headquarters is right around the corner. Whatever the reason you’re on their radar, job seekers – both active and passive – are watching you on Glassdoor by “following” favorite employers. 

Your company’s followers on Glassdoor are engaged.

  • Followers are 2X more likely to view, click, and apply start on jobs than non-followers. (1)
  • More than 70% of followers are open to receiving job opportunities and/or content from a company relevant to their role / location. (2)

In this tight hiring market, it’s critical that you tap into this engaged audience with meaningful interactions so you stay top-of-mind when they think of future possibilities. Job seekers want to feel drawn to an employer on the basis of factors that go beyond compensation – they want to align with a deeper mission and make human connections that reinforce their big-picture thinking in the process of evaluating an opportunity. 

Your company’s followers on Glassdoor are interested

  • Followers spend twice as much time visiting and reading content on Glassdoor than non-followers. (3)
  • The top 3 pieces of content followers are looking for are: 1) relevant new jobs, 2) salaries and benefits from employees, and 3) content relevant to their role / location. (4)

Transactional interactions at the point of application and screening are no longer cutting it. Building a pipeline of quality candidates requires nurturing relationships and warming them up to the idea of going after a role with your company when the moment is right. It’s become nothing short of critical to connecting with and winning the people who will fuel the future of your company. 

Glassdoor’s new Follower Reports give you the power to make those important connections with interested candidates and build lasting relationships that lead to filling (and fulfilling) roles. They allow you to nurture your talent pipeline to fill roles faster and more effectively. 

How to Use Follower Reports

Glassdoor Follower Reports are available globally to any employer with a Glassdoor Enhanced Profile. Employers, whether large or small, amass a following on Glassdoor over time. Follower Reports let you see who they are with analytics, and nurture them with direct messaging. By knowing who your followers are and having a way to directly message these engaged candidates, employers can build meaningful relationships with them and build a long-term talent pipeline that accelerates and improves hiring. 

Follower Demographics 

Use the demographics tab to get to know your audience. By deeply understanding who your followers are and where they come from, you can better deliver content to these potential future candidates.

    • Multi-dimensional: See a visual breakdown of your followers across  dimensions such as job function, location and demographics. 
    • Shareable: Export to Excel or PDF files for easy sharing across your organization or offline analysis.
    • Interactive: Interact with charts and use filters to drill down into your data.

Follower Engagement 

Use the engagement tab to understand the value of your followers. By serving up powerful visuals, analytics and dashboard, you can see how your followers are interacting with your content and jobs on Glassdoor so you can better focus your content and campaigns. 

    • Quick Cards: Get a complete picture of key follower metrics and compare your current performance to a previous time period.
    • Built-in Benchmarks: See how your followers engage compared to your competitors. 
    • Trended data: Track follower engagement rates over time for email clicks, job clicks and apply starts.

Start leveraging these powerful insights today!

Log in to your Employer Center today. 

[1] Glassdoor Internal Data, April 2019, followers who click the 'Follow' button on a Glassdoor profile

[2] Glassdoor Followers Survey, May 2019

[3] Glassdoor Internal Data, April 2019, followers who click the 'Follow' button on a Glassdoor profile

[4] Glassdoor Followers Survey, May 2019