You found your dream job, you lined up an in-person interview, all the stars seem to be lining up for you. But what happens if things don’t go perfectly in that interview? Is it all over?

No, definitely not! Perfection is a hard word to have hanging over your head, and mistakes happen all the time. The key is to distinguish between interview killers and little slip-ups.

To set yourself up for success before setting foot in the office, set up a positive energy within yourself. Send a friendly email or a cover letter—your interviewees and other company members will see this positivity, and it could help tip the scales back in your favor if you have a slip.

Also, apologies go a long way. If you fumble, acknowledge the error in the moment! You could even follow-up with an email—thank the interviewer for their well-thought out questions and hit them with your more developed answer later in the day.

And let’s not forget about nerves—we’ve all got em. If you feel your nerves creeping up during an interview, breathe! Relax! This is always easier said than done, but your interviewers will see if you are being gripped by your anxiety.

A mistake doesn’t have to mean the end of the road. The key is to show them how you take control and handle it.