New Resource: The Seamless Hiring Process Playbook

Given the tight labor market, there are currently more open roles in the U.S. than available job seekers. This means candidates can be more selective than ever before when applying to jobs and considering career moves. If your team has a lengthy and complicated hiring process, top applicants won’t hesitate to look for their next role elsewhere.
Recent data found that in today’s competitive hiring market, the best employees are off the market within 10 days. To speed up hiring and keep top talent engaged it’s critical to have an efficient hiring process and the right technology in place.
In this playbook, we’ve outlined several ways your team can tap into recruitment marketing and hiring technology to offer a top-notch candidate experience and secure quality talent.
Key features of this playbook include: 

Common Hiring Manager Frustrations 

Between manually reviewing each applicant, keeping track of all candidate information and related tasks, time and resources spent on the hiring process add up quickly. But with effective technology in place, your team can speed up the hiring process, securing top talent sooner.
Using this playbook, you’ll have the opportunity to read through a list of common frustrations you likely face on a regular basis – and outline actionable next steps to overcome these challenges. 

Job Seeker Expectations 

Today’s job seekers have countless job opportunities at the tips of their fingers and will quickly lose interest in your open roles if you don’t support an ideal candidate experience. Prospective applicants demand simple job application and seamless process every step of the way, among other expectations. 
The Hiring Process Playbook includes an overview top job seeker expectations and how you can implement the right hiring process and technology to meet the needs of job seekers in today’s competitive market. 

Effective Technology to Build Your Best Team 

Once you have an understanding of frustrations your team faces during the hiring process and key job seeker expectations, the next step is to take action by improving the hiring process and supporting an ideal candidate experience – which will also make your job easier.
This playbook highlights the technology your team needs in place to make your hiring more efficient. This technology will ultimately empower you to attract top talent, keep candidates engaged throughout the hiring process and quickly integrate new employees into your team – boosting productivity and profitability as a result. 
Your people are your greatest source of competitive advantage and with an effective hiring process in place, you can set your team up for long-term success.
Learn more about supporting seamless hiring from start to finish by downloading the full playbook. 



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