How To Ensure Your Remote Interviews Are Effective

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic shook the world, many businesses were adopting remote workflows thanks to the numerous benefits it offered. One great advantage of a remote workflow is being able to recruit staff from all over the world. Remote interviews is an art that many recruiting managers have yet to master. There are a couple of striking differences when compared to face-to-face interviews and it’s important to understand how they differ from remote interviews.

So to help you out, here are a couple of tips to ensure your remote interviews are effective.

Do a trial run to ensure there are no bugs or errors

Make sure you test your camera and microphone hardware to ensure that you don’t run into errors. There’s nothing more questionable than an interviewer that runs into technical issues and it might put your interviewee off joining your company. Do a test run with another internal staff member to ensure that the software is working and that your camera and microphone are clear.

Have a plan for the interview

If you’ve ever conducted an interview then you’ll know just how important it is to be prepared. Make sure you’ve got a list of questions prepared, but also make sure you contact the potential recruit and let them know when and how you plan to get in touch. For instance, make sure they’ve been informed about the software you’ll be using and give them a date and time. If they’re in a different timezone, make sure this is communicated so you’re both online and ready at the same time. While remote interviews can be spontaneous given the nature of the internet, we highly recommend that you take the time to plan it out first.

Look professional, even if it’s a remote interview

Being a remote interview, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to conduct it from home in the comfort of your pajamas. While this sounds comfortable and acceptable for many people, it won’t work in a professional setting. Make sure you dress as if you’re heading to work and remove any kind of distractions from the background. Set yourself up in a quiet and enclosed room if possible so that nobody bothers you and interrupts the interview.

Inform the interviewee about what happens next

Something that managers often forget when conducting an online interview is explaining what comes next. Sign off professionally by letting them know what to expect next, when, and how you’ll get in touch and also thank them for their time. It’s easy to forget to be courteous when you’re conducting a remote interview, so train to maintain professionalism and set a good example for your brand. This will leave your candidate with a good impression of you and your company.

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