Weekly digest

The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Top stories of the week for recruiters

In this week’s list of must-read articles for talent professionals, we’ve included two stories that highlight what’s motivating workers at the ends of the generational spectrum. 

At one end, there are Gen Zers who are just beginning their careers. If you’re a recruiter looking to attract these younger candidates, BBC Worklife points out that they’re seeking “professional paths that combine flexibility and a deep sense of purpose.” Issues concerning the environment and climate change are particularly top of mind. Recruiters who work for companies with a focus in sustainability have an advantage here, but even those who don’t should be sure to highlight what their business is doing to address environmental issues. “Climate change,” BBC Worklife writes, “is an inescapable presence in the future of work.”

And, of course, at the other end of the spectrum are baby boomers. In the United States, as The Washington Post highlights, millions of these older workers retired in 2020. But as COVID cases plummet in many parts of the world and demand for experienced workers in all fields has spiked, some recently retired boomers are considering returning to work. Recruiters looking to attract “unretirees” should check out the Post article to understand what boomers might be looking for in their next role, including flexible hours, good benefits, part-time opportunities, and career changes that align more closely with passion projects and hobbies.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. How Climate Change Is Reshaping the Way Gen Z Works (BBC Worklife)

2. Millions of Baby Boomers Have Left the Workplace Since 2020. Are They Coming Back? (The Washington Post)

3. 5 Ways to Support Employees Affected by Global Crises (HR Dive) 

4. New Research Reveals Why Candidates Are Abandoning Your Recruiting Process (ERE) 

5. To Lure Workers, Companies Are Giving New Employees Their First Weeks Off, Speeding Up Retirement Plan Access — and Piling on the Cash (Forbes)

6. Talent Hoarding Is Real! And It’s Getting Worse (The Tim Sackett Project)

7. Why the Great Reshuffle Demands You Up Your Employer Brand Game — and 5 Ways to Do It (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

8. The Burnout Crisis Is a Workload Crisis (Borderline)

9. Here's Why a Whole Group of Men Is Being Overlooked in the Workforce (CNN Business)

10. Babies Have Entered the Chat (The New York Times)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

LinkedIn & Career Breaks with Jennifer Shappley, Global Head of Talent Acquisition at LinkedIn (Recruiting Future with Matt Alder)

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