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Ask Your Job Candidates These 14 Nontraditional Interview Questions For Deeper Insights

Forbes Human Resources Council
Expert Panel, Forbes Human Resources Council
Updated Feb 6, 2020, 11:21am EST

When interviewing job applicants, it’s important to ask the right questions to assess their skills and their fit with the company. If you've already asked your candidates all the standard questions, but want some more insight into who they are, it might be the time to present some nontraditional interview questions.

Although these questions can throw applicants for a loop, they can also provide valuable information on the candidate’s creativity, self-awareness and overall personality. We asked 14 members of Forbes Human Resources Council about their top nontraditional interview questions, and how it helped them to better understand if the candidate was the right fit.

1. When did you last tell a lie? 

Honesty is my number one value. Some claim to never tell even white lies, which is my least favorite answer. I see this as dishonest in itself. While some do TMI, most give you an example of something small but real, showing what they really value and where their line is. I use this to understand their values, highlight any red flags and to consider things that I might need to watch out for. - Karla Reffold, BeecherMadden

2. What are you reading right now? 

This question provides insight into how candidates spend their spare time. Most individuals with inquisitive minds who love to learn also love to read, so many employers prefer to hire candidates who spend their time reading rather than watching reality TV. Even a good candidate who is between books will be able to think quickly under pressure and summarize the last book he or she read. - John Feldmann, Insperity

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3. What is your ideal vacation? 

This question provides further insight into their personality, what they value, how they think and what they want. Are they adventurous? A thrill-seeker? Family-oriented? Do they prefer to attend conferences and seminars in their profession, do they use a vacation to “recharge their batteries" or simply relax? It's an insightful question. - Lisa Bastian, MOBIS

4. What would you be doing if you weren't in this field? 

I'm not a fan of these types of questions for an actual interview if being used to help determine a hire. But if you do want to have a good get-to-know-you question, ask, "What would you be doing for work if you had not gotten into this?" This opens up the door to what they're interested in outside of work, such as their hobbies, dream job, passion, etc. - Evan Lassiter, Contino

5. What would you ask me if you were the interviewer?

I want to know one question the employee would ask me if they were the interviewer. I then turn around and ask the candidate to answer the question they had just asked. It helps me think about candidate thinking patterns and their ability to identify talent. Helping a candidate put themselves in the interviewer seat also diffuses any interview stress and balances the field. - Vineet Gambhir, Teaching Strategies, LLC

6. Who do you need as your ‘right hand’? 

A question like this makes two things apparent. The first is that we all gravitate to certain things. It’s better to know upfront where an applicant prefers to focus. Secondly, this gives you a clue as to whether the candidate is appropriately introspective and self-aware. A great candidate knows how to play to their strengths and how to build a team to round out capabilities. - Stacey Browning, Paycor

7. What are your biggest dream and fear?

What’s your biggest dream? And what’s your biggest fear? These interview questions tell you a lot about whether the candidate puts their focus on trust or fear. It also makes it easier to know how to motivate the candidate if they should become a new hire. - Anne Iversen, TimeXtender

8. What would you do if you won the lottery?

I love asking this question because it gives you huge insight into the candidate's values as well as their dreams for the future. First, you will immediately find out whether they consider the needs of others above their own. You will also learn if the candidate is motivated by a positive reputation, money or material possessions, experiences or power. - Cristin Heyns-Bousliman, Human Resources Experience, LLC

9. What’s an example of how you helped someone this month?

This gets the candidate to think a bit and also shows us if the candidate is a team player or what values they hold dear to their heart. Some might give examples of them helping their colleagues, some might provide examples of being socially responsible. But this question might tell you a little bit about the candidate in addition to the technical questions. - Abhijeet Narvekar, The FerVID Group

10. What's a time you were faced with a tremendous challenge that brought you to a crossroads?

I'd also add, "How did you persevere and chose the positive way forward?" This helps me understand a candidate’s positive mindset. Do they find the opportunities in challenges, or do they falter when things get hard? - Christine Wzorek, White Label Advisors

11. What Gets You Up Every Day? 

Asking "What gets you up every day?" helps you to understand the raison d'etre of an applicant, which can help you figure out if the job opportunity or compensation you are providing will appeal to the candidate in the long run, anticipate what factors will have the most influence over work performance and understand how to best accommodate or motivate them. - Angela Nguyen, Ad Exchange Group

12. How Have You Applied What You've Learned In Your Career To Other Roles? 

Candidates will often tell you what they did in certain roles, but I like to find out what they learned from that position and how they have applied it (or will apply it) in other roles. For example, if a person who managed a warehouse was charged with handling inventory, how will those time management skills apply to a new role in sales? - Greg Furstner, SkillPath

13. What Song Best Describes Your Work Ethic?

This question normally generates a smile and the candidate relaxes. Their song choice will give you insight into their personality and how they view themselves as a contributor to a company. Keeping in mind, more traditional questions need to be asked, but you now have a great lead-in for follow-up questions to assess if their work ethic is a fit for the role. - Bridgette Wilder, Wilder HR Management & EEO Consulting

14. What Did You Learn From The Last Business Book You Read?

Depending on the job, a two-part question that I ask is “What was the last business book you read, and what did you learn from it?” The candidate’s answer will reveal how much they read, their ability to discern key takeaways and apply them to business situations and how well they may write. If a candidate hasn’t read a book recently, I will ask what blogs they follow and why. - Genine Wilson, Kelly Services