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The Future Of Human Resources In The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

Forbes Human Resources Council

Bala V Sathyanarayanan serves as EVP & CHRO at Greif, Inc (NYSE: GEF) & Chairman of the Board of Directors at Balmer Lawrie - Van Leer Ltd.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the corporate world, artificial intelligence is no longer just a buzzword. It's a pivotal force transforming various fields, including human resources. As we navigate through this technological renaissance, it's imperative that we understand, adapt and harness AI's potential to enhance our HR practices fundamentally.

Powering Talent Acquisition Decisions

The AI-powered transformation of recruitment extends beyond mere efficiency. It embodies a paradigm shift toward a more data-driven, unbiased and inclusive approach to talent acquisition. Consider the case of Unilever, which utilized AI to make recruiting faster, more inclusive and more candidate-friendly.

Ensuring AI recruitment tools leverage the right data to mitigate biases and promote inclusivity requires a comprehensive approach. You must ensure that the training data used for these tools is diverse and representative of the population. This should include data on race, gender, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic background and other demographic information. Additionally, you should conduct regular audits of the data used in AI recruitment systems to identify any discrepancies. This can involve analyzing the demographic composition of the dataset and comparing it to the target population to ensure alignment.

Elevating Employee Engagement And Development

AI's ability to analyze vast datasets can uncover deep insights into employee engagement and well-being. This technology efficiently parses through things like employee feedback, engagement surveys and even daily communications. This allows you to identify trends, predict potential issues and craft more effective engagement strategies.

At Greif, we use AI to help managers create personalized action plans that enhance engagement and address underlying issues that affect team members' well-being. We've since seen greater participation in engagement surveys, resulting in improved engagement scores and reduced turnover rates. This exemplifies how AI can provide nuanced insights into workforce dynamics.

Meanwhile, in the realm of learning and development, AI's capability to personalize learning paths presents an unprecedented opportunity to cater to employees' unique needs. The right tools can identify skills gaps, recommend tailored learning resources and adapt to the learner's pace and learning style.

Preparing For An AI-Enhanced Future

To thrive in this new era as an HR professional, you must cultivate a deep understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations. Seek opportunities for education and training in AI and data analytics, network with AI experts, attend industry conferences and participate in relevant forums. This can provide you with valuable insights and inspiration.

You could also consider piloting an AI project, starting with a small-scale initiative to gain practical experience and build a case for wider AI adoption. By doing so, you can demonstrate AI's value to both leadership and employees and pave the way for more transformation in the future.

Of course, the ethical use of AI is paramount. As we harness this technology, we must address the ethical considerations it raises, including privacy concerns, the potential for bias and the imperative to maintain human oversight. Many leading companies have established ethical guidelines for AI use to ensure transparency, accountability and respect for employee privacy. An ethics board or committee can help oversee your AI initiatives, ensuring they align with organizational values and societal norms.

In this journey, your role as an HR professional isn't just to implement AI tools. You can shape their use in a way that aligns with core human values. This will ensure that, as the business world moves forward, you can enhance the well-being and potential of every individual in your organization.

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