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Own Your Powers: Destigmatize And Fight Imposter Syndrome

Forbes Human Resources Council

Chief Human Resources Officer, Exabeam.

Historically, workplaces haven’t always been willing or able to turn toward and embrace diversity, often treating anyone as "other" if they don't share a singular perspective. But in recent years, discussions where we recognize and appreciate differences among people are becoming more accepted. This sea change has been beautiful to witness and be a part of, yet many of us from “other” backgrounds continue to wonder whether we fit in.

Imposter syndrome is an internal, persistent feeling of not truly belonging—perceiving yourself as a fraud in a space where everyone else is more capable. It often whispers, “I’m not as good as those around me,” raising doubts about worthiness in conversations, teams or professional circles. The worry of being exposed as less qualified or skilled can be an ever-present shadow that affects our emotions and actions.

Many professionals, even the most distinguished among us, have or will experience some form of imposter syndrome in their career. But despite how common it is, there’s still a stigma around acknowledging it. I’ve found empowerment in opening up about imposter syndrome, which helps normalize an experience that's shared by so many. It’s not a flaw or an issue; it’s a normal part of the human journey.

I want to create a culture where imposter syndrome is embraced as a universal part of our collective professional narrative.

So let’s talk about it.

Unmasking Imposter Syndrome

When reflecting on the roots of my own imposter syndrome, I’ve realized the importance of acknowledging my own needs and advocating for myself. My upbringing in a women’s shelter, as well as reminders of financial struggles and feeling other-ed in school because of my mother’s Filipino accent, planted the initial seeds of inadequacy.

Entering the tech industry, particularly in male-dominated spaces like Silicon Valley, heightened my sensitivity to these feelings of not being accepted. Despite my accomplishments, the nagging question lingered: “Do I truly belong here?”

The wisdom of time has alleviated many of my feelings of imposter syndrome, but they still attempt to surface in moments of weakness, stress or pressure. There is no panacea for imposter syndrome, but awareness and education have become impactful tools for managing its impact.

Crafting Strategies To Conquer Imposter Syndrome

By managing and describing imposter syndrome, we can take the first steps to address and cope with it. Here are a few strategies I recommend for dealing with its challenges.

Acknowledge It

Finding the right words to express the experience of imposter syndrome is crucial. Being able to say “My anxieties are being triggered right now” or acknowledging an elevated emotional state is a powerful step in self-awareness. Our bodies communicate metaphysically; shallow breaths, sweating or shaking can signal that your brain has initiated the flight-or-fight response. Recognizing these signals becomes essential.

Establishing stop mechanisms will be a valuable tool in fighting imposter syndrome. Examples include working to actively silence the negative voices, closing your eyes so you can refocus or finding ways to shut out overwhelming external stimuli. This self-awareness allows us to discern that these thoughts and feelings aren't intrinsic to who we are, nor are they an accurate reflection of reality. It’s a way of reclaiming control and reminding ourselves that, in those moments, we have the power to choose how to respond. Brené Brown has written about how the ability to pause after extreme stimulus gives us the power to respond effectively, and I agree.

Lean On Your Support Network

Having people in your corner, particularly close friends who serve as a sort of personal advisory board, is invaluable. During challenging times or moments of self-doubt, they become the latticework of support so you don’t have to navigate everything alone.

Have A Reminder Box

Sometimes, your support crew isn’t immediately available, so it can be helpful to surround yourself with physical reminders that others care about you. I keep a small gift box filled with notes and letters I’ve received over the years. Whenever I’m feeling down, I turn to it for a boost of love and a reminder that I'm capable. Acknowledging the good things people do, whether work-related or not, matters. So we should encourage everyone to express their appreciation to fill in the spaces in our minds where imposter syndrome surfaces.

Dig Deeper For The Cause

Understanding our personal journeys can be empowering, often providing tools and insights that help us unlearn negative behaviors and relearn healthy patterns of thinking. One exercise I’ve undertaken involves mapping out the life experiences that have contributed to certain feelings—like how my difficult upbringing led to feelings of inadequacy. Delving into these underlying factors without judgment allowed me to grasp and accept how limiting patterns of thinking emerged.

When you allow yourself to be introspective, without trying to label your behaviors as right or wrong, you're better equipped to grow. I've learned to understand my strengths and the bigger “why” that guides me. Whether at the start, midpoint or late in your career, comprehending your mission, vision and values will bring you back to your purpose. Knowing what you stand for and why will help combat imposter syndrome.

Own Your Powers

Being aware of your strengths and superpowers is crucial. Cultivating awareness about these strengths, even if it's uncomfortable at first, empowers you to confidently express them. It’s essential to understand your worth, and acknowledging moments of weakness and stress are part of the journey.

I love the quote, often attributed to Carl Jung, that to see light, you must have darkness. It reminds me that overcoming challenges is essential to appreciating the better aspects of life. Let’s embrace our light and our belonging by actively engaging in meaningful conversations about diversity. I invite you to accept otherness—whether your own otherness or that of colleagues—as a gift and see how differences are what collectively make our greatest strength.

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