Weekly digest

The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Top stories of the week for recruiters

According to a report from Gallup, it takes most employees 12 months to get the hang of a new role, yet the average onboarding program runs for only 90 days. This then begs the question: Should the onboarding process continue well past those initial three months?

A recent article from Harvard Business Review addresses this very question (spoiler alert: the answer is an emphatic yes), while also highlighting the importance of an effective onboarding program. Consider the following:

  • Gallup’s report found that 88% of employees believe their company could do a better job onboarding new hires.
  • Research from managing consultant firm Navalent found that companies with well-structured onboarding programs see 50% greater employee retention and 62% greater productivity.

To learn more about implementing a more successful onboarding program, check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. In addition to supporting new hires beyond their first 90 days, the article suggests getting support and buy-in from departments beyond HR, developing a robust set of metrics to measure the success of your onboarding program, and more.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. Onboarding Can Make or Break a New Hire’s Experience (Harvard Business Review)

2. Airbnb's New Remote Work Policy Is Only 105 Words. Here's What Your Company Can Learn from It (Inc.)

3. Study Finds ‘Burnout Epidemic’ for Working Women Two Years into Pandemic (NBC News)

4. 6 Hiring Techniques That Provide a New Perspective on Sourcing Talent (Fast Company)

5. Salesforce’s Arundhati Bhattacharya on Lifelong Learning and Talent Reinvention (McKinsey & Company)

6. Working 9 to 2, and Again After Dinner (The New York Times)

7. 5 Recruiting Metrics Every TA Leader Needs to Share with the C-Suite (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

8. Career Breaks for Black Women Professionals (Black Girl Nerds)

9. Reinventing Recruitment Has Never Been More Vital (The Herald) 

10. 4 Valuable DEI Recruiting Takeaways from Netflix’s Trending Documentary ‘White Hot: The Rise & Fall of Abercrombie & Fitch’ (LinkedIn)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

Employees Are Fed Up, and They’re Not Going to Take It Any More (Josh Bersin)

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