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Product Updates - November

Published: December 04, 2023 In: Product Updates

Product Updates - November


Secondary Camera Proctoring


Secondary camera is an additional camera used along with the primary device camera which helps proctors get a wider view of test-takers’ surroundings in real-time, deterring cheating, and ensuring integrity.

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Screen Recording

Screen-Recording (1)

Screen recording enables the test-taker’s system to capture and record the screen throughout the session. Proctors have real-time access to a live feed of the test-taker’s screen, and the recorded content is also accessible for post-session review by both proctors and administrators.


Assessment Engine

Question Bank


Easily procure, review, and publish diverse question types with multimedia support for comprehensive assessments.


Talview Orchestration Platform (TOP)

Candidate Verification


Authenticate candidates before an interview or assessment by capturing their selfie or ID capture, and matching it with an existing base image. Also, validate candidates during the interview with pre-interview data. Track candidates across the entire hiring lifecycle.


Talview Orchestration Platform (TOP)

Interview Rooms


Comprehensive video interviewing platform with easy access to candidate details and resume during interviews, enabled with candidate verification.


Talview Orchestration Platform (TOP)

Code-Solo and Code-Jam


Screen candidate’s coding skills in real development environment. Code-Solo is perfect for initial rounds of interview and highly scalable. 

Code-Jam's collaborative editor enhance the efficiency and accuracy of evaluating coding skills during an ongoing interview.

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Tags: Product Updates

Written by: Team Talview

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