The Importance of Human Touch in the AI-Enriched Hiring Process

In today’s era of technological advancement, recruiters and hiring managers are increasingly turning to AI-enriched solutions to scale up their operations and streamline the hiring process. The use of AI has transformed the way we hire talent, bringing speed and efficiency to the recruitment process like never before. However, it is important to remember that AI, though incredibly effective, is still just an algorithmic process, bound by its programming. As such, the importance of human intuition and interaction cannot be underestimated. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of human interaction and touch in an AI-driven hiring process.

The Human Factor in Candidate Evaluation

AI is a great tool that brings speed, cost savings, and scalability to the recruitment process. It can quickly screen and evaluate hundreds of candidates across multiple job postings. However, when it comes to evaluating a candidate’s soft skills, attitude, and cultural fit, AI has its limitations. A human touch in the form of a personal interview, assessment, or even a casual conversation can add a layer of insight that AI simply cannot produce. Hiring decisions should not solely rely on AI-generated data but also on human-led evaluation to ensure a holistic hiring process.

Building Trust and Relationships

The hiring process is not only about onboarding new talent, but it is also about building long-term relationships with employees. The human touch in the hiring process can make a significant impact on candidates’ perception of your organization. Meeting and communicating with candidates via a human recruiter can help foster open dialogue, build a candidate’s trust, and facilitate an honest conversation. It can also help you create a connection with candidates, which is crucial to employee retention and engagement.

Avoiding Bias and Discrimination

AI-driven recruitment solutions are designed to eliminate bias from the hiring process by using data-driven algorithms to make informed decisions. However, bias is an inherent flaw in AI systems, and it can be challenging to remove entirely. The human touch in recruitment can help recognize and eliminate any unconscious bias, as the recruiter can go beyond the candidate’s data and get to know them personally. Additionally, the recruiter can ensure a diverse and inclusive hiring process by considering aspects such as culture fit and other qualities that can be harder to measure using AI only.

Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence

While AI can analyze data about a candidate’s work experience and technical skills, it cannot pick up on factors such as emotional intelligence, personality traits, and cultural fit. All these factors play a significant role in how a prospective employee performs in a role, interacts with colleagues, and fits in with an organization’s culture. Human recruiters can provide in-depth assessments of candidates’ personality and assess their soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and conflict resolution. All these are critical qualities that cannot be fully measured by algorithms.

Candidate Experience

While relying solely on AI-enriched solutions might seem a cost-effective and efficient way to manage recruitment in the short term, it can have a detrimental effect on the candidate experience in the long run. A fully automated process can make candidates feel undervalued and unwelcome, despite having the qualifications necessary to perform the job requirements. The human touch in recruitment is the extra level of empathy that can make candidates feel appreciated, valued, and part of the organization before they even come on board. By offering genuine human interaction and support throughout the hiring process, companies can create a more positive candidate experience that sets the groundwork for a meaningful employee experience.


In the AI-enriched hiring process, human touch is not a luxury, but a necessity. It can build trust and connection, identify hidden talents and potentials, mitigate bias and discrimination, and foster innovation and creativity. However, human touch should not undermine the benefits of AI, but complement and enhance them. By using AI as a tool, and human touch as a skill, recruiters and managers can create a more efficient, effective, and humane hiring process that benefits everyone.