
Headway Job Interview - Get Ready to Apply!

Headway Job Interview - Get Ready to Apply!

💎 Are you considering applying for a job at Headway? Get these tips from a recruiter to ace your interview!

📼 Watch this video to prepare for your Headway job interview. In this video, you’ll meet Brehanna Skaletski, Studio Experience Manager with Headway, who will walk you through the process and talk about some of the key questions they ask. When you are ready to apply, you’ll know exactly what the company is looking for!

📼 To ace your Headway job interview, one of the first things to know is that the recruiters are a little less traditional regarding resumes. While you will be asked to upload your resume as part of the online application process, Headway recruiters are more focused on your experience and how it can be applied to the position. Your education and exact background are not as important. What matters is showing the interviewer what you will take from your previous experiences and how you will apply it to the role that you’re hoping to get.

📼 Something to do before your Headway job interview is to become familiar with the application process. Headway has a six-step interview process that starts with an online application. From there, someone from the team will reach out for the first round of interviews. Here, you’ll sit down with recruiters who will ask questions, learn your story, figure out why Headway will be a great next fit for you, and how you and the company can build that journey together. Of course, they want to hear your questions as well at that stage. In step number three, you'll take two assessments. From there, you’ll move to skills exercise and debrief, where you can tell the interviewer what you did and why you did it. The last step is a team fit with a couple of potential colleagues. They will want you to dive in with the team who will be your new coworkers and make sure that you feel comfortable as you continue through the process. Hopefully, this will lead to step number six: receiving your hiring offer!

A Headway Job - What is it Like to Work at Headway?

Like Brehanna says: “We have this quote: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." When you join Headway’s team, you’ll get your onboarding budget to set up your home office with all the tools and equipment needed to be successful. You'll probably start with a team lunch on your first week. Don’t miss Brehanna’s insight on all the fun things the team at Headway does: from weekly lunches to traveling twice a year for company get-togethers!

🧑💼 Are you interested in joining Headway? They have open positions! To learn more, click here.

Get To Know Brehanna

Brehanna is an experienced business development manager with a demonstrated history of working in the nonprofit and healthcare industry. She’s skilled in nonprofit organizations, remote work, sales, marketing, strategy, communications, event management, organizational leadership, and management. In addition, she’s a strong sales professional who’s currently earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from St. Norbert College. If you are interested in a career at Headway, you can connect with her on LinkedIn!

More About Headway

Headway is looking for talented and open-minded creatives to help build software that makes a difference. At Headway, they partner with startups and corporations to craft beautiful software through thoughtful, user-driven design and passionate execution. The company values open, honest communication, transparency in all things, and collaboration while working toward common goals for the team and the clients they serve. So what’s it like to be a part of the Headway crew? They're not just developers, designers, and product strategists. They're all consultants, too. Each crew member has unique experiences and skills to help clients and Headway chart a better course for smooth sailing.

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