Overcome Employee Onboarding Challenges 2023: July LinkedIn Poll Results

group of coworkers working together on a project

Stay updated on the latest employee onboarding challenges according to your peers. Every Friday, we post a LinkedIn poll to gain valuable insights from our followers. We appreciate your feedback, as it helps us better understand how we can place highly qualified candidates in the right positions. 


This monthly blog series will recap the poll results and share our thoughts. Did you miss June’s results recap? Check it out here. 

Explore our employer poll and candidate poll pages to learn even more about 2023 staffing trends.


Employee Onboarding Challenge: Deciding the Most Important Training Area to Focus on During Onboarding  


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Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 2.55.14 PMIn separate polls, we asked employers and candidates which area is the most important to focus on during the employee onboarding process. More than 40% of candidates voted for the skills required for the role, with tools necessary for the position coming in a close second. While in the employer poll, there was a tie for required skills and tools being the most important. 


Skills required for the role can be both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are the technical skills needed for the position, while soft skills are interpersonal skills. For example, some desired hard skills for an IT specialist are programming, networking, and cyber security, and some ideal soft skills are communication, meeting deadlines, and being a team player.  


Sparks Group has access to hard-skill training courses for your team. For example, there are a variety of training topics for the IT industry, such as programming languages, Microsoft Suite, and more. 


Employee Onboarding Challenge: Candidates Ghosting Companies During the Hiring Process 


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To better understand why candidates ghost companies during the hiring process, we shared a LinkedIn poll to get candidates’ input on why job seekers ghost businesses. Not being happy with the job offer received the most votes at 43%, followed by 40% of poll participants voting that they accepted another offer. 


While you can’t always prevent candidate ghosting, there are steps you can take to make this happen less frequently. 


To address candidates not being happy with the job offer, these are a few ways to make your job offers more appealing: 

  • Re-evaluate your benefits package and compensation so it’s competitive.
  • Highlight your company’s initiatives to create an inclusive workplace.
  • Give candidates the option to work from home full or part-time. 

Making the application process go faster can help prevent candidates from accepting another option before you have the chance to extend an offer. By partnering with a staffing firm, you can let experienced recruiters vet the talent pool so your company only interviews the most qualified candidates. 


Common Challenges Candidates Run Into When Completing Job Applications 


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As a part of our candidate poll series, we asked candidates the most common challenge they encounter when completing job applications. The top answer by far was repeatedly needing to give the same information throughout the application process, followed by not being qualified for the jobs they want and the company having poor reviews. 


Communication among everyone involved in the hiring process is key to create a more streamlined application process for candidates. Make sure you’re not repeatedly asking applicants the same questions or for the same information. This only lengthens the hiring process and could result in missing out a top talent if they accept a different job.


Recap of Employee Onboarding Challenges According to the July 2023 LinkedIn Polls 


Based on the data from our July polls, these are key insights on the latest employee onboarding challenges: 

  1. Skills required for the role is the most important onboarding training topic for both candidates and employers. Employers should invest in skills training to make sure their employees are set up for success and to boost employee retention
  2. Not being happy with the job offer is the top reason candidates ghost companies. To help prevent candidate ghosting, employers should determine how to make their company more desirable to work at, such as offering remote work and competitive salaries. 
  3. Repeatedly entering the same information is the most common challenge candidates face when completing job applications. Companies should review their hiring process to eliminate redundant processes and speed up the time to hire. 

Download the guide to learn more tips  to streamline the hiring process.


Speak to one of our staffing and recruiting experts today to get access to top candidates.  

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Written by Sparks Group

Sparks Group

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