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7 New Year Resolutions for Staffing Agencies

‍Happy New Year! It’s time to start looking forward to 2023 by developing goals that will help your agency reach new heights this year. New Year resolutions get a lot of flack (probably due to most of them being forgotten before the first month of the year even ends). Nevertheless, it’s a great practice for setting yourself up with the right mindset for success. 

By setting these seven New Year resolutions for staffing agencies, you can help to ensure that your business will hit its goals in 2023.

Revisit outdated staffing processes and business policies

Start your year off right by reviewing and updating your staffing processes and policies to ensure that they are effective and efficient. This could involve streamlining your candidate screening and onboarding processes, adopting new technologies or revising your policies around areas such as communication.

Don’t forget to include your entire tech stack in your review. The right software will help you manage and scale your business and help you eliminate friction.

Modernize your client experience

Growing your client base is always a key objective for recruiters. However, maintaining strong relationships with existing clients should also be a top priority. It can improve ROI, foster loyalty and lead to new client referrals.

 Improve the client experience by gathering feedback through surveys and monitoring key performance indicators. Understand your clients’ needs and use this knowledge to build long-term relationships. And remember to regularly review your client database to ensure that you haven’t let too much time go by between each touch base.

An increased number of clients that are interested in being able to view, create and/or edit jobs as needed. ActivateStaff’s client service portal enables this level of flexibility, so your clients can better manage their workforce and stay competitive. To learn more about this feature, schedule a demo with our product team.

Clean up your database

Consider using the new year to clean your database. Spend some time updating information, removing any dormant or unqualified candidates and organizing the rest into relevant categories. This will help to ensure that your database is accurate and up-to-date, making it easier to find the right candidates for your clients’ needs. A clean and organized candidate database will set you and your team up for success.

Not sure where to start? Check out these best practices for clean data.

Evaluate your candidate redeployment strategies

A lot of time and effort is spent on trying to source new candidates. If the goal is to fill and deploy positions and talent as quickly as possible, recruiting teams should first consider their existing database. Your existing database is the powerhouse of your agency so remember to harness it.

Candidates want to partner with a company that will continue to offer opportunities. By investing in candidate redeployment, you’re keeping your pool of qualified candidates engaged. This can help lead your agency to success in the long term.

Come up with a plan to minimize candidate ghosting

Candidate ghosting, or when candidates fail to show up for interviews or accepted job offers, can be frustrating and costly for staffing agencies. Have a plan in place to prepare your team with what to do for any last-minute cancellations and no-shows. Here are some tips on how to prevent candidate ghosting.

Utilize technology to streamline your recruiting process

Many staffing agencies have long shown hesitation in adopting new technology. Concerns about cost, complexity and resistance to change can make it difficult for agencies to justify the investment. But implementing the right technology can be a powerful tool to improve operations and stay competitive in the market. Spend time researching what kind of tools are turning staffing on its head.

Consider mobile staffing platform technology. It can improve recruitment processes by efficiently sourcing and screening candidates, scheduling interviews, onboarding new employees and tracking employee hours and payroll. These capabilities can help streamline various stages of the recruitment process and reduce the workload for your recruiters.

Encourage your team to set individual goals

Encouraging your team to set individual professional goals can improve performance, motivation, and alignment with the agency’s objectives. When everyone on the team has their own goals, it can create a sense of shared purpose and facilitate better teamwork. 

Offer your encouragement by sharing your own goals. This can give your team a good idea of what they should strive to achieve this year.

It is important for staffing agencies to set clear goals in order to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of their clients and employees. By working towards specific, measurable goals, agencies can improve their operations, attract new business and achieve greater success.

Want to learn more about condensing your tech stack in 2023? Book a chat with a member of our team.

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