Why You Should Upskill and Reskill for Career Success

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We live in a world where change is constant, and the job market is no exception. After a year of major shifts and changes for workplaces around the world, it has become more and more apparent that not only do companies need to be adaptable, but people do, too.

Wondering how you can advance your career and better cope with changes in the workplace? Time to make upskilling and reskilling your new best friends.

Building on your skill set

Upskilling and reskilling have become buzzwords in the last couple years thanks to.continual technological advances that mean employees have to keep up with new trends and methodologies if they want to remain experts in their chosen fields.

Upskilling is the process of building on your skill set by taking courses or training. Generally, the end-goal of upskilling is to advance in your career field to keep up with demands and changes in the business.

Reskilling refers to learning new skills adjacent to your existing skill set with the intent of shifting positions or fields.

The rapid evolution of technology and industries creates a gap between the existing workforce's skills and the skills that are needed for their jobs to be executed effectively. The size of the skill gap varies depending on the industry, but one thing experts in all industries agree on is that it is constantly widening. If employees don't upskill or reskill, they add to the skill gap and are at greater risk of stagnating in their career.

5 reasons you should upskill and reskill

1. It helps you cope with change.

Our world is constantly changing and the needs of industries are changing along with it. While we can't control these shifts in the world and economy, we can do something about improving our skill sets to keep up with the times. A report by the US Chamber of Commerce found that 74% of hiring managers say that a lack of adequate skills is one of the biggest obstacles in hiring. Taking advantage of upskilling and reskilling opportunities can help you cope with change and meet future work demands that you otherwise wouldn't be prepared for.

2. Increase earning potential

When you bring new skills to the table, your value increases. You can leverage your updated skills to make a solid case to ask for a raise, especially if you are able to take on new responsibilities or demonstrate how your skills benefit the organization.

If you are looking to enter a new company, a robust skill set can be your ticket to land a job with a higher starting salary.

3. You can identify new interests and talents

You can learn how to code, communicate more effectively, or speak a new language–the possibilities are endless! Upskilling and reskilling give you the opportunity to tap into your passions and identify new interests and talents you didn't know you had. Whether it's through a formal course, internal training, YouTube university, or a Chat & Learn at Power To Fly, you can spark your interest and build your career.

4. Shape your career path

Upskilling and reskilling boost your potential to advance in your current career or to change to a different job. You can shape your career path by upskilling in areas that are relevant to your future career goals. The more skills you develop, the more opportunities become available to you.

5. Greater satisfaction from your work

66% of workers say that developing new skills has given them greater satisfaction fromtheir work. It also boosts confidence and productivity—when you become capable of doing more varied work, you're able to maintain your focus longer… and feel more fulfilled as a result!fulfillment.

So, what's next?

Now that you know why you should upskill and reskill, you can identify the areas that you want to grow in. Here are some examples of specific skills that you can build on:

Soft skills

Digital Skills

  • Data literacy
  • Programming
  • Web and software development
  • Microsoft Suite
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media
  • UX/UI design
  • Data analytics

Business skills

Other skills

There are countless upskilling and reskilling resources online. Once you have chosen the areas you want to focus on, use your favorite search engine to find the one that best suits your needs. Here's a list of some affordable resources to help get you started.

Want more upskilling content? Click here to check out Power To Fly's upcoming upskilling opportunities.

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