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Why You Must Ditch Shallow DEI Efforts And Embrace Real Inclusion

Forbes Human Resources Council

Michael D. Brown is Senior Managing Partner at Global Recruiters of Buckhead, a top executive recruiting and leadership consulting firm.

As a company leader, if you aim to build trust and show genuine care for all your people, an authentic commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is no longer just an option. It’s fast becoming an expectation. More than optics, a well-crafted DEI strategy focused on equitable access and belonging carries measurable upsides, from stronger long-term revenue and profit to reduced risks.

As societal consciousness expands, your customers, investors, talent and communities examine corporate DEI track records closely, seeking hard evidence that you walk the talk. Partial, surface-level efforts don’t satisfy them anymore. To keep stakeholders confident amid this scrutiny, you must nurture an inclusive culture anchored to your values and willingness for self-reflection.

The Benefits Of Strong DEI Efforts

Leadership embracing this chance to care, learn and grow better together can realize compounding returns in revenue, productivity and purpose.

Boosting Financials Through Greater Innovation

Teams comprised of people with varied backgrounds and experiences approach challenges with a wider lens, resulting in more creative solutions. Further, feeling included and valued empowers employees to share unvarnished perspectives and think outside the box rather than conform to norms.

Multiple studies reveal a positive association between workforce diversity and innovation. Because innovation often translates to the creation of profitable new products and services, diverse companies tend to excel financially. In fact, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have industry-leading profitability. Diverse companies are more likely to financially outperform their peers.

Recruiting And Retaining Diverse Talent

To fully actualize diversity's innovation potential, you must remove any barriers to accessing and cultivating talent across the spectrum. Companies that rank high for DEI often see better recruitment and retention across employee demographics. In one survey, 76% of job seekers said a diverse workforce was an important factor in choosing employers. If your organization is perceived as non-inclusive, it will likely face narrower applicant pools; 70% of employees feel inclusion positively impacts their decision to stay at a company.

Employees have little patience for diversity efforts existing only on paper. DEI must permeate company culture, leadership behaviors, people processes and business practices. Lack of inclusion fuels turnover, forfeiting returns on recruiting and professional development. High churn also disrupts operations, sinks morale and institutional knowledge, chips away at customer relationships and tarnishes the kind of positive employer branding that's needed to continually attract talent.

Capturing Market Share

Alongside nurturing innovation and talent, DEI efforts may provide competitive advantages in capturing revenues and market share. Customer demographics grow continually more diverse, expanding market opportunities for companies prepared to serve varied segments. Economically privileged companies attuned to the customer preferences and values of marginalized groups gain first-mover advantages in expanding niche segments.

Customers and clients tend to increasingly factor DEI commitments into purchasing decisions. They expect to see themselves represented among a company’s workforce and leadership. Perceptions of exclusion or bias—or even indifference—prompt them to take their business elsewhere.

Meeting The Demands Of Stakeholders

Shareholders, regulators, business partners and financial backers are also sharpening their focus on DEI. They're now scrutinizing companies for data-verified progress and authenticity in efforts to foster equity and inclusion.

Sensitivity to stakeholder concerns is leading companies to better align leadership efforts and DEI goals. For example, in a 2023 survey by McKinsey, 49% of respondents highlighted that they have "strengthened leadership efforts and accountability for delivering on DEI goals."

In recognition of stakeholder demands, companies are also increasingly seeking diverse board representation. Besides better reflecting customer and community demographics, this diversity challenges assumptions, sharpens decision-making and signals a tangible commitment to equitable access to leadership roles.

Get DEI Right With An Authentic Strategy

As universalist initiatives, even well-intended DEI programs risk overlooking dimensions of difference, erasing individual intersections or appearing performative. Authentic advancement requires regularly engaging with employee resource groups and other stakeholders to guide refinements.

Embedding DEI in workflows and processes proves more sustainable than isolated efforts like standalone workshops or quotas devoid of cultural change. While training has value in establishing a shared language and conceptual models, insight without integration fails to shift behaviors or systems. Likewise, when HR leaders or appointed diversity officers are solely responsible for DEI efforts it can minimize the actual organizational impact.

Experts suggest systematic integration across operations, ensuring leaders consider DEI in decision-making daily. Financial incentives further cement accountability. Approaching DEI as intertwined with business strategy yields optimal financial returns alongside social impact.

The following practices can help distinguish successful implementations.

Inclusive Cultures

Nurturing inclusion every day requires leading with empathy, fostering psychological safety to encourage collaboration, acting from shared values and continually inviting previously unheard perspectives into conversations at all levels of the organization.

Top-down accountability is a major aspect of inclusivity in the workplace. Modeling by leadership signals how DEI is prioritized. While road maps co-created with stakeholders can help guide objectives for representation, retention and advancement, tying progress to leader behavior motivates lasting change.

Employee Resource Groups

Recognizing no single culture shift fits every group’s needs, employee resource groups are an opportunity to center shared identity dimensions. This helps guide localized support and advocacy for relevant policy improvements. For HR leaders, ERGs' input can signal areas of emerging concern.

Inclusive Operations

Equity and inclusion should inform all business decisions and processes that shape workplace culture. Internally, it's vital to perform rigorous audits for explicit and implicit biases in people processes like recruiting, advancement, work assignments and performance reviews. This allows for data-driven refinement to make operations more inclusive in all areas.

Customer-related decision-making must also center around DEI efforts to better serve diverse populations. This includes analyzing and adapting business areas like product development, marketing, customer service, supply chain management and community engagement.

In Summary

The verdict is clear: an authentic, embedded commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is a performance accelerant. By fostering innovation, enhancing recruitment and retention, and capturing revenues from an increasingly values-driven customer base, DEI-focused companies will see measurable financial upsides alongside its ethical merits.

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