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10 Key Factors To Help You Capitalize On The Gift Of Feedback

Forbes Human Resources Council

Vineet, CPO at DataLink Software, is a seasoned, performance and results-driven HR executive with over 25 years of international experience.

It was 6 p.m. and I had just grabbed my sixth cup of green tea when an irate employee barged into my office. Tony (name changed) had just received a not-so-glowing performance review. He was taken by surprise as he was actually expecting a promotion, not a written performance warning.

Over the course of my 25-year career in global human resources, I have had a lot of "feedback gone wrong" stories. There was Judy, who wanted to tell an employee that his brashness was rubbing people the wrong way and getting in the way of his success. Another leader sent an email right before the holidays so their team member could "internalize some candid feedback while on the plane." I've seen managers give nonstop feedback, no feedback at all or even deliver feedback in a way that embarrassed the employee in front of their colleagues.

What we must remember as leaders is that feedback is a gift. It's an important part of any relationship, but especially among people leaders and their direct reports. If done well, feedback can lead to stronger connections, higher trust and greater transparency.

10 Characteristics Of Powerful Feedback

For feedback to work, it has to be given and received in the right way. Let's take a look at 10 important aspects of a powerful feedback process.

1. Feedback must be transparent.

When someone's performance is discussed without their knowledge or without giving them a fair chance to reflect on what's being said, leaders aren't providing feedback. They're engaging in pure gossip and backbiting. Even if the feedback is constructive, the intent no longer matters. Lack of transparency is one of the key reasons trust gets lost in a professional relationship. So always give feedback directly to the employee in question.

2. Feedback is balanced.

Every employee has good and bad traits that impact their performance. But when giving feedback, zooming in on the negative and filtering out the positive will act as a great demotivator. Furthermore, threatening someone with dire consequences isn't what feedback is about. It's about helping someone avoid those consequences by giving them an opportunity to grow. Therefore, good feedback requires a balance of discussing the good and the bad.

3. Feedback needs to be in real time.

If feedback is given too late, you'll likely confuse the recipient. Depending on the timing, they may have forgotten the incident or assumed all was well. So if a meeting doesn't go well, for example, have a debrief soon. Giving the feedback early ensures employees have enough chances to work on any issues. Then, by the time performance reviews happen, the issue in question should no longer exist.

4. Feedback is straightforward.

Sugarcoating or trying to avoid awkwardness during a performance discussion can end up hurting more than helping. The employee may not understand the severity of the issue or whether it needs their attention.

5. Feedback needs to be authentic.

When giving an employee feedback, it must be genuine and based on actual performance. For example, I know a manager who gave an underperforming employee the same raise as her colleagues just to avoid upsetting her. Tailoring or withholding feedback won't help a team member improve, which will ultimately hurt their manager as well.

6. Feedback needs to be paced appropriately.

Think of it as pouring water into a bucket. If you keep pouring, it will overflow. If feedback is given too frequently, the recipient likely won't have a fair chance to work on the issue. That will only cause frustration and overwhelm.

7. Feedback should come at the right time.

Avoid times that may dampen someone’s time to rest or rejuvenate. Friday evenings, on the eve of major holidays or days before an employee's vacation are all bad choices for providing feedback. The right timing affords recipients the ability to seek social support so their well-being and performance aren't compromised.

8. Feedback should never embarrass anyone.

As Catherine the Great said, "I praise loudly. I blame softly." Feedback isn't about making someone feel ashamed. Sarcasm, public shaming and violating confidentiality must be avoided at all costs while delivering feedback.

9. Feedback is a two-way street.

The ability to receive feedback is as powerful as the ability to give it. Building trust ensures employees feel comfortable giving valuable input to their managers, and that can drive a stronger professional relationship.

10. Feedback must be data-driven.

Finally, feedback should provide as much specificity as possible. Include the dates and frequency of incidents, and ensure the data represents an ongoing trend. After all, a line can’t be drawn through a single point, and feedback can't be validated by hunches or intuition.

Feedback is a gift. But like any gift, it needs to be presented the right way. A fair, robust feedback process is the foundation of an engaged culture and makes any employer a great place to work.

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