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Nine Things New Employees Should Know About Joining A Union At Work

Forbes Human Resources Council
Updated Apr 30, 2024, 07:27am EDT

Labor unions have seen a resurgence in recent years as workers in various industries create and join unions within their organizations. However, new employees may not always be aware of the potential opportunities and challenges associated with being a union member.

To that end, nine Forbes Human Resources members share critical factors new hires should consider about unionized workplaces. These experts outline both the benefits and concerns that can arise when joining a union.

1. Union Solidarity Poses A Risk And A Reward

The solidarity necessary for a union's strength can lead to a paradox where expressing unique opinions or pursuing personal goals feels challenging. The very unity that empowers them also demands a delicate balance between conformity and individuality. New employees must find ways to offer their unique views in a manner that strengthens the collective, yet does not compromise their authenticity. - Katrina Jones, Acacia Network

2. Unions Often Impact The Hiring Business

Employee unions are known to sometimes operate in nefarious ways with self-serving objectives, so employees should be aware of the "why" behind such a relationship and how it may negatively (and unnecessarily) impact the business employing them. There can be a lot of empty or misguided rah-rah behind a union effort without enough education. Always give the employer a very fair shake first! - Bryan Passman, Hunter + Esquire

3. Unions Compromise Individualism And Autonomy At Work

One factor to consider before joining a union is your loss of individualism and autonomy as an employee. For example, union employees may not get exposure to skills or experience outside of their job descriptions, which may end up limiting their overall career growth and collaboration with others. This can become especially impactful when looking to advance or get promoted to the next level. - Dr. Timothy J. Giardino

4. Unions Negotiate Employment Terms For The Collective Group

Being part of a union means that your employment terms are negotiated collectively. As a result, you might have limited ability to negotiate your wages, benefits and job conditions individually, which can be a drawback if you have unique skills or circumstances. - Britton Bloch, Navy Federal

5. Unions Require Members To Follow A Set Of Rights And Responsibilities

Before joining a union, an employee should know their rights and responsibilities as a union member, the dues they will be required to pay, the benefits they will receive, the collective bargaining process, the union's policies and procedures and any potential limitations on individual actions or decisions within the union framework. - MJ Vigil, DispatchHealth

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6. Union Rules Can Be Beneficial Or Negative (Depending On The Employee)

Unions are a double-edged sword. On one hand codified processes around discipline, earnings, shifts and promotions are fantastic in creating predictability; however, those same rules can be stifling for those who are seeking a more fluid approach to upward mobility, work variety and breadth of experience. Each has its place; and neither is better or worse, just different. - Jon Lowe, DailyPay

7. Unions Will Require Added Costs

New hires should grasp the dynamics of employee unions, which offer benefits like collective bargaining but may pose challenges such as added administrative costs from union dues, rigid policies and management conflicts. Understanding these dynamics is key to navigating effectively. - William Stonehouse, Crawford Thomas Recruiting

8. Unions May Cause Management Conflicts And Mandatory Parameters

New hires joining an organization with an employee union should be aware of the potential benefits and challenges. Unions can provide benefits; however, new hires may face challenges such as mandatory union membership, union dues and possible conflicts with management. Educating themselves on the union's policies and their rights and responsibilities as union members is advisable. - Reema Akhtar, Seer Solutions

9. Unions May Provide Things The Employer Can't (And Vice Versa)

Employees should fully understand what the union will do for them as opposed to just the employer. They should also be aware of the dues—how much they are and if they are automatically deducted from their paycheck. The employees should do their due diligence to determine whether or not a union will be the right fit for them in their career journey and not feel pressured to join or not. - Erin ImHof, CertiK

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