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Most Employers Offer Upskilling—Why Aren’t Workers Using It?

Forbes Human Resources Council
Updated Mar 6, 2024, 10:47am EST

Dave Barnett is Chief Administrative Officer of DeVry University.

New technology, a return to office and an evolving labor market are all converging to transform what it takes to thrive as a business and as a working professional. In response, employers are offering upskilling resources to arm their workforce with the skills they need to succeed. Without a thoughtful and intentional approach to how these resources are designed and offered, however, not all employees will have the same ability to access and participate in these critical development opportunities.

A recent survey conducted by Reputation Leaders, which we sponsored at DeVry University, found employees say upskilling is essential, but many are not participating in it. The researchers aptly labeled it the "say/do gap." This is being driven by a number of barriers to professional development that are leaving organizations and employees unequipped to navigate the needs and expectations of a future-ready workforce.

Barriers To Accessing Upskilling

According to the survey, 96% of employers believe upskilling is essential or preferable for advancement. So HR leaders must have a clear understanding of the barriers preventing employees from actually pursuing these opportunities.

The say/do gap is growing increasingly prominent.

Employees have a clear appetite for upskilling, and around eight in 10 employers say they're making development resources more available. However, employers estimate that only about half of their workforce is engaging with them. This calls into question how accessible these learning and development opportunities truly are. Practical factors like a lack of time or family and personal priorities present two of the largest obstacles. An ongoing inability to balance the responsibilities of work and home life leaves employees and employers at a dead end.

Women and people of color are disproportionately impacted.

It's widely recognized that to remain agile and innovative in an ever-evolving workforce, elevating diverse talent is paramount. The Reputation Leaders survey found, however, that as the demands of current and projected jobs require new skill sets, women and people of color are being left behind. Only 37% of surveyed women reported they'd actually used company-paid upskilling; employees of color didn't fare much better, with only 42% of Black, Hispanic and AAPI workers stating they have access to upskilling. These gender and diversity access gaps are key contributors to employee turnover. For instance, a lack of access to learning opportunities makes women twice as likely to leave their current jobs compared to men.

There's a disconnect between how employers and employees understand upskilling.

Employers and employees seem at odds with one another about what skills are truly necessary for the future. Employees argue that obtaining hard skills and credentials is more important for career advancement, while employers believe soft or durable skills should be a top priority. But what neither group is considering is the overlap that exists between these skills domains. They must recognize that many degree programs and trainings incorporate the development of skills like critical thinking and leadership alongside tech or financial literacy.

Taking Steps For Meaningful Change

Despite the roadblocks to successful upskilling, there are actionable steps HR leaders can take to make upskilling more accessible.

By integrating upskilling programs into broader diversity, equity and inclusion goals, HR leaders can provide more tailored solutions that directly address diverse workers' needs and limitations. HR teams can also implement flexible learning offerings to better balance work-life needs. Developing strong relationships with education partners that offer flexible and shorter cycles of learning, as well as credentials, may be vital for keeping pace with an ever-evolving labor market and boosting employee satisfaction and retention.

What’s more, employers have the opportunity to get out ahead of potential disconnects on the varying expectations of professional development. They should effectively communicate its value in a way that highlights the confluence between the durable skills employers desire and the hard skills workers prioritize.

Upskilling is undeniably top of mind for HR professionals as they anticipate the needs and expectations of a future workforce. But the growing gap between providing resources and ensuring employees access and use them poses an ongoing threat. By taking the time to understand the current barriers impacting access to learning opportunities in their workplace, HR leaders have an opportunity to advance their teams and organizations more intentionally.

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