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From Benchmarks To Breakthroughs: 5 Tips For Achieving DE&I Goals

Forbes Human Resources Council

Natasha Miller Williams, a TEDx speaker and DE&I thought leader, is Ferrara's vice president and head of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Diversity, equity and inclusion programs aspire to rapid transformation—diversify leadership, achieve gender parity and reach for multiple objectives all at once. While great expectations can rally a workforce behind equity, overly bold goals stretch the capacity of human resources or diversity, equity and inclusion teams.

It's important to consider the difference between diversity benchmarks and breakthrough DE&I goals. A benchmark is the average standard within an industry, while a breakthrough goal exceeds the competition. The latter requires forming plans that can help you devise far-reaching ambitious goals that were still attainable. So here are five tips to help you strategically and thoughtfully set and achieve DE&I goals and objectives.

1. Start with the data.

Do not pass go without digging into the numbers. Setting any goal without data is a wasted effort. To achieve meaningful workplace change, it’s crucial for HR leaders to have a clear starting point and destination. For example, when my DE&I team at Ferrara began crafting goals, we reviewed specific Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data that reflected diversity in our state and our industry. We treated these averages as benchmarks that wouldn’t reflect the breakthrough goals we wanted to set.

Survey the DE&I landscape, explore statistics relevant to your industry and, most importantly, collect and analyze your own company’s data. Build on HR metrics for hiring, resignations and promotions by capturing the related diversity metrics: employees’ race and ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation and other demographics. Pooling and collectively analyzing this data will help you pinpoint areas where the company needs to improve, then you can create DE&I goals accordingly.

2. Assemble a cross-functional DE&I team.

Inclusion and diversity objectives shouldn’t be put forth by just one person or department, be that a CEO or a DE&I team. Instead, draw members from across the organization into key decision-making. Here are some reasons why people in all departments are effective strategic partners.

• Data analysts investigate and elucidate DE&I metrics.

• Talent acquisition and talent management leaders bring in all employees and help them advance.

• Procurement teams evaluate spending with diverse suppliers.

• Communication heads make sure DE&I goals are clearly communicated, internally and externally.

• Company lawyers confirm that public commitments are precisely and wisely worded.

Depending on your business’ makeup and resources, assemble a team that includes executive, commercial and HR leadership. Then meet with the team regularly to set and monitor goals.

3. Set achievable, measurable commitments.

Businesses have to be honest with themselves about what’s realistic in a given timeframe. Diversity objectives should be set the same way as any other core business goals. As an HR leader, it's helpful to keep the well-known SMART paradigm in mind, crafting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

Sometimes timelines are lengthy by necessity. Take, for example, goals to make a C-suite more diverse. The executive team often has a small number of positions, and its members usually don’t leave those roles frequently. Adding more women and BIPOC leaders to the ranks may require a five- to 10-year plan or expanding the C-suite to make more room.

4. Create a comprehensive, balanced body of goals.

Programs and activities such as affinity groups and educational DE&I events are commendable and have their place, but transformative change is systemic. Make certain that many, if not most, of your goals are focused on uprooting inequities in recruitment, hiring, retention and promotions.

It’s not enough to hire diverse employees. Your company must ensure that those individuals have a seat at the proverbial table and ample advancement opportunities. Also consider making your supply chain more inclusive by expanding opportunities for diverse vendors.

5. Embrace accountability and don’t be afraid to pivot.

Achieving your DE&I goals isn't an isolated project. It's an ongoing, collaborative process. You need to clearly lay out goals for middle managers and executive leadership and address DE&I aims during performance reviews. Annually report progress on company-wide DE&I objectives, both internally and externally.

If progress stalls, keep iterating; don't get discouraged. Revise strategies, experiment with creative approaches and hold town halls or CEO listening tours so employees can share feedback. Their wants, needs, expectations and frustrations may shine a light on organizational blind spots. When it’s clear the current plan isn’t working, your team can pivot based on this honest input.

Investing In DE&I Objectives Is Pivotal

Business goals go nowhere without intentionality, resources and concerted effort. Diversity, equity and inclusion objectives should be pursued just as seriously as sales and revenue goals. Extensive research from Boston Consulting Group shows that employees are happier and more motivated when their employers meaningfully commit to DE&I.

High-performing HR departments hold leaders accountable for diversity, equity and inclusion objectives and reward them for achieving breakthrough goals. If your company's DE&I efforts have faltered because it's stretched too far and too thin or has moved too fast, the watchword is to regroup, not retire. With change, breakthrough success is within reach.

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