LinkedIn product tips

Be More Effective in Finding Your Next Hire

Engaging talent in highly competitive functions is hard, especially when time is limited. That’s why we’re giving you access to more information about the candidates you’re trying to reach, including email addresses and a more accurate profile view so you can personalize your outreach. This is all available via the Connectifier extension on LinkedIn Recruiter.

Here’s a quick refresher of some things you can do with the help of LinkedIn and Connectifier:

  • Get more information on candidates: With access to LinkedIn insights combined with relevant information from the Web, you’ll get a more complete profile to better personalize your message and build rapport, with additional details like social profile links to learn more about their interests. For example, you could follow the candidate on Twitter, learn more about them from their blog, or read about their relevant developer work on GitHub.

  • Discover additional ways to reach out: Every recruiter knows the value of being able to reach a candidate via InMail, and sometimes you need the extra boost of an email to make sure you’ve contacted the right talent successfully. When using LinkedIn InMail combined with email, sourced from Connectifier, you’re more likely to increase your response rate. We’ve found that in many cases, recruiters who leverage both InMail and email have seen increases in candidate responses by up to 50 percent (see case study by Bird Dog Inc). This is especially useful when reaching out to in-demand candidates to fill competitive open roles like product managers or software developers.

  • Create more efficiency in your day: Who likes bouncing back and forth between browser windows? You can easily access emails and social links as a browser extension pop-up sidebar, so you don’t have to navigate away while you’re viewing candidate profiles and engaging with prospects in LinkedIn Recruiter or other social media sites.

Our goal is to make your job easier so you can focus on finding and engaging the best talent for your roles. We’re continuing to make product improvements and are excited to share additional details early next year. If you’re interested in learning more about LinkedIn Recruiter or Connectifier that is currently available in the US, please reach out to your LinkedIn rep or join our webinar on January 17, 2018.  

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