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6 Practical Tips For Managers In The Era Of Rising Unionization

Forbes Human Resources Council

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2023, the number of private-sector union workers rose to 7.4 million. Unions in the automotive and healthcare industries were among those that achieved significant concessions in contract negotiations. As workers unions become more prominent, managers are currently at a crossroads. Leaders across many industries are seeking needed guidance to adapt to the new dynamics of employee relations and the talent market.

This union resurgence means traditional management practices need to be reviewed and recalibrated to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding between management and unionized employees. Below, six Forbes Human Resources Council members share actionable tips managers can use to promote organizational growth and employee satisfaction and establish a mutually beneficial and positive working relationship with all their employees.

1. Emphasize Why ‘You Want To Work Here’

To attract talent amid rising unionization, managers should subtly emphasize why “you want to work here,” catering to explicit and subliminal employee needs. This means offering competitive pay, showcasing growth opportunities, creating a positive culture, empowering employees and fostering innovative environments. Highlight benefits and social responsibility to make the company an attractive and fulfilling workplace. - CJ Eason,

2. Enable Open Communication

Enable open communication to foster a positive relationship between management and employees—this reduces the likelihood of conflict and misunderstandings. Address concerns early and often to mitigate union intervention. Employees who feel seen and heard are engaged and less likely to escalate concerns. - Britton Bloch, Navy Federal

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3. Embrace The Shift To Values Alignment

Organizations must embrace the paradigm shift—employees are increasingly seeking roles that align their personal values with their professional endeavors. Foster a culture that actively supports and encourages employees to pursue their passions to drive societal change. This approach will not only attract talent, but can also position an organization as a leader in social responsibility. - Katrina Jones, Acacia Network

4. Establish And Adhere To Clear Management Criteria

Ensure that compensation, promotion decisions and disciplinary actions are based on clear criteria and administered consistently. Communicate these policies openly to employees. Create a culture where employees feel comfortable raising concerns and suggesting improvements without fear of retaliation. Regular check-ins, open-door policies and anonymous suggestion channels can be valuable tools. - Raunak Bhandari, Google Asia Pacific

5. Focus On Valuing Employees And Collaborating With Unions

Focus on an employee value proposition. Invest in competitive compensation and benefits, prioritize career growth and foster open communication to build trust, regardless of a union presence. Embrace collaboration and transparency: Engage with unions as partners in building a positive work environment, focusing on shared goals and mutual respect. This will foster trust and a more productive relationship. - Subhash Chandar, Laminaar Aviation Infotech Group

6. Always Be Transparent And Inclusive

First, managers should always be transparent. If information becomes available through the media or word of mouth, being upfront about it will build trust, whereas hiding the information can destroy trust. Second, managers should be inclusive. Making sure all voices are heard can go a long way toward building trust and engaging talent. - John Feldmann, Insperity

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