HR Management & Compliance

Ways to Get More Employee Feedback

Getting employee input can show employees they’re trusted, help gather intelligence about how the business could be more productive or efficient, and uncover any engagement issues or problems before they become worse. Getting this feedback is something that should be done on a continual basis, and the input received should be acted upon.

Source: Tero Vesalainen / shutterstock

Here are some ways to get feedback from employees:

  • Conduct regular surveys, such as:
    • New employee surveys
    • Engagement surveys
    • Exit surveys
    • Anonymous surveys
    • Pulse surveys (getting quick feedback on a regular, frequent basis)
  • Implement a suggestion box.
  • Consider offering incentives for ideas that improve efficiency.
  • Offer online feedback forms.
  • Encourage managers to give and ask for feedback directly.
  • Continually ask employees questions, and don’t be afraid to ask directly. Ask about how things are going, how things could be improved, what tools employees need, and what the organization can do better.
  • Continually review feedback left in public online forums. These forums are places where employees leave unsolicited information, which can be quite useful if the organization proactively looks for it and acts upon it. Employer review sites, as well as social media and anywhere else where employees and former employees can leave reviews and ratings, are places to start.
  • Train managers on how to manage negative emotions—difficult conversations, if managed well, can actually be a great way to get valuable feedback and insights.
  • Consider conducting 360 reviews, which get more feedback from more sources regarding a specific individual.
  • Encourage managers and team leaders to have informal meetings that foster communication. Open up the meetings for suggestions.
  • When employees do offer suggestions, be sure to act on them as often as possible, and communicate about what actions are being taken or why action cannot be taken. Employees need to feel heard.
  • Hire a neutral third party to gather and anonymize employee feedback on specific topics.
  • If your organization conducts performance reviews, be sure to include a component in which employees can give feedback to the organization—especially about ways the organization can help them do their jobs more effectively.
  • Hold meetings specifically to get input from employees.
  • Host teambuilding events to encourage employees to feel comfortable with one another.
  • Set up a mentoring program, and solicit feedback directly from those involved.
  • Have formal debriefing sessions after projects end to get input on what went well and what can be improved.
  • Encourage managers and team leaders to speak with others outside their direct reports—for example, getting input from those their team works with directly or from those who report to their team members.
  • Train managers on good listening skills.

What other ways has your organization solicited feedback from employees? What have you found to work well?

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