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Supporting Employees' Self-Identity Is A Vital Leadership Trait

Forbes Human Resources Council

Bala V Sathyanarayanan serves as EVP & CHRO at Greif, Inc (NYSE: GEF) & Chairman of the Board of Directors at Balmer Lawrie - Van Leer Ltd.

Self-identity is a complex construct, an intangible essence that makes an individual uniquely "them." It's the dynamic blend of personal beliefs, values, experiences and perceptions that forms the foundation of our self-perception. Simultaneously a robust armor and a delicate, intricate showcase, our sense of self is always evolving.

Crucially, this is not a solitary occurrence. Our identities are informed by the way we interact socially, including in the workplace. This is why people leaders must empower teams to view their individual identities positively to fuel personal growth and organizational success.

Why is fostering a positive self-identity so important?

A good leader understands that their team members aren't just colleagues performing tasks. They're individuals with unique identities and motivations. Acknowledging this diversity of identities is the first step for effective leadership. It allows individuals to see that their distinct qualities are accepted, valued and celebrated. This recognition creates a sense of belonging, strengthens team cohesion and leads to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

The crucial part lies in enabling individuals to see themselves positively so teams can harmoniously work together. This process is not about sugar-coating the truth or providing false reassurance. Instead, leaders must create an environment where people can fully express their identities, recognize their strengths and work on their weaknesses without fear of judgment or failure. A positive self-identity can lead to increased productivity, creativity and resilience—all attributes that produce a successful and harmonious work environment. It also encourages personal and professional development that reinforces someone's interests and sense of self.

Crucially, good leaders understand that, to best influence team members, they must engage in their own growth and self-awareness. It requires continuous learning, adapting and evolving, as well as allowing their teams to see their vulnerabilities and strengths. This authenticity reinforces their leadership effectiveness and encourages others to positively embody their identities in the workplace.

What does promoting self-identity look like?

Supporting employees' positive self-identity isn't a one-off task; it's an ongoing process. Leaders must be empathetic, patient and attentive. They need to navigate the nuances of human behavior and always keep their team's unique identities in mind. Let's consider two real-world examples that illustrate fostering a positive self-identity.

A Philosophy Of Purpose

Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, is a leader who cultivated a positive self-identity both for herself and her employees. She's known for her "Performance with Purpose" philosophy, which sought to marry financial returns with social responsibility. By aligning the company's goals with broader social and environmental objectives, Nooyi gave her employees a sense of purpose.

For instance, she would personally write to the parents of her senior executives, thanking them for the gift of their children's contributions to the company. This simple yet profound gesture acknowledged team members' unique backgrounds and identities and demonstrated that she valued them as individuals. This helped foster employees' positive self-identity and encouraged them to bring their whole selves to work.

A Culture Redefined

Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, is another leader who strongly emphasizes positive self-identity in her employees. She's known for her decisive leadership style and the transformation she's created in the traditionally male-dominated automobile industry.

When Barra assumed the role of CEO, she sought to redefine GM's corporate culture, transforming it from a bureaucratic, siloed environment to a more collaborative and inclusive one. She introduced a new company mission, "Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions, Zero Congestion," which gave employees a shared sense of purpose. They began to see themselves as integral players in the quest for safer, greener and more efficient mobility solutions.

Another initiative Barra introduced was reducing GM's 10-page dress code policy to just two words: "Dress appropriately." This move, although seemingly simple, had a profound impact. It demonstrated her trust in employees' judgment, allowing them to express their identities while respecting the company's image and values.

Moreover, Barra frequently shares her experiences, from her internship beginnings to becoming the first female CEO in the auto industry. Her commitment to authenticity builds a connection with employees, and they become comfortable expressing their identities and journeys.

These practices under Barra's leadership exemplify how empowering individuals to view their identities positively can enhance employee motivation and satisfaction, which contributes to the larger organizational vision and mission.

Understanding Identity Is A Business Necessity

Self-identity significantly determines our behavior, performance and well-being, and it's continuously evolving based on various influences. Good leaders recognize this intricate process and strive to create an environment that nurtures positive self-identity. They understand this is not merely a matter of personal fulfillment but a strategic approach to cultivating a resilient, innovative and harmonious workforce.

In a world that's increasingly interconnected and diverse, the power to embrace, nurture and project our authentic self-identity is an imperative catalyst for change. It's through this understanding and celebration of our unique identities that we can truly drive innovation, foster inclusive environments and, ultimately, transform lives—one leader, one team and one organization at a time.

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