[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” content_placement=”top” v_position=”top” css=”.vc_custom_1482444708270{background-color: #ffffff !important;background-position: 0 0 !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;}” font_color=”#163c4a”][vc_column animation=”none” bg_color=”” bg_image=”” column_padding=”no-padding” column_custompadding=”0px 0px 0px 0px” column_center=”” text_color=”dark” custom_text_color=”” text_align=”left” delay=””]As Kevin Wheeler, founder of the Future of Talent Institute, explains below, year after year, recruiting teams fall into the same interviewing habits.

“We call people up to screen them, schedule interviews, and do all the physical stuff because it’s what we have always done. It’s comfortable and easy. Whether it is efficient, or even the best way never enters our head.”
– Kevin Wheeler, Founder, Future of Talent Institute

[vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1547665555332{margin-top: 2em !important;padding-top: 1em !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″]But what happens when you break the mold? How do you bust out of that how-we’ve-always-done-it mentality? What if you let technology make things better?

In 2020, it’s time to embrace the video interview.

See if you can relate to these common headaches induced by the interview process — and learn how video interview software can ease your pain. [/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1543866514225{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”blog–callout”]

From our clients…

Check out what Cielo has to say about Yello’s video interviewing software.

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It’s January. This job was supposed to be filled before Thanksgiving!

Cause: The average interview process in the U.S. is 24 days long. Scheduling, coordination, weather, illness and time management can all cause delays.

CureOnline video interview software speeds the process so you can focus on a targeted strategy that allows hiring to advance, no matter what.

Angela is in Singapore. She can’t handle another garbled conference call interview.

Cause: Teams are increasingly scattered across the globe, which makes in-person interviews an enormous challenge. But asking far-flung colleagues to join via conference call is a clunky, outdated solution.

Cure: Live video interviewing can be done from any location and across time zones. If scheduling proves difficult, try a pre-recorded video interview that Angela can watch on-demand when Singapore wakes up.

The candidate has a wedding, the hiring manager is at a convention, I’m going on vacation…there’s not a single day on the calendar when everyone is available!

Cause: Someone is always traveling or out of the office, so coordinating schedules can be a mess. Arranging all internal and external calendars to align on a single window of time is a monumental task.

Cure: Video interviewing solutions eliminate scheduling nightmares. Set a deadline and let candidates record at their convenience and interviewers watch when their schedule allows.

Natalia missed her interview because she had the flu. Should we count her out?

Cause: Some interview no-shows have a valid excuse. Sickness happens, and the candidate shouldn’t be punished for it.

Cure: Let the candidate complete the interview on her own time. Natalia waits until she’s back on her feet to hit record, and she receives the same consideration as other applicants.

This guy looks perfect for the job but he’s in Timbuktu. How much is that flight?

Cause: Flying in top candidates for a face-to-face interview is expensive.

Cure: Don’t let geography restrict your search for top talent. Rather than paying a fortune to fly him in from Timbuktu, live video interviewing lets him join you remotely while still feeling like he’s right there in the room.

I’ve done so many interviews. Which one was she again?

Cause: As the talent search drags on, the quantity of applicants can become overwhelming. Interviews blend together and memories get fuzzy.

Cure: Each video interview, can be re-watched on-demand, so you’ll never confuse one candidate with another again.

Wait wait, let’s all take five minutes to download this conference call software and install the plug-in…

Cause: Most online conference call solutions require you to download proprietary software or plug-ins before joining the call, which slows the process and often leads to late starts for interviews.

Cure: Yello’s robust video interview software lets you facilitate interviews with no additional downloads or plug-ins.

Our VP couldn’t make the interview, but he’s supposed to make the final decision. Now what?

Cause: Company executives are busy people. But when they’re unavailable to join the interview for a key position, it can throw a wrench in the entire process.

Cure: The VP can watch the on-demand video interview whenever his schedule allows and share his feedback with the team.

She can only interview on her lunch break from outside on the street so her boss doesn’t know she’s looking.

Cause: It’s no secret that most job seekers look for a new position while sitting in their current one. But it’s tough to slyly complete an interview from the office of the job you’re trying to leave.

Cure: Pre-recorded video interviewing gives candidates the flexibility to do their interview anytime, anywhere—without fear of the boss looking over their shoulder.

The interview ran over and everyone scattered. Now we have to follow up for feedback…

Cause: Interview evaluations are easier said than done. The team moves on from an interview and goes back to their busy day, leaving no time for feedback sharing.

Cure: Let team members watch and evaluate interviews on their own time, submitting feedback directly through the software.

Candidates are complaining on Glassdoor that their interview experience was different from others.

Cause: Some candidates interviewed with the full team, others just one person. Some interviews had 20 questions, others had six. Complaints on Glassdoor about an inconsistent interview process can affect others’ decision whether or not to apply.

Cure: Streamline the process and ensure consistency with video interviewing. Every candidate receives the same amount of time, same questions, same deadline, same number of attempts, etc.