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Why No One Cares About Soft Skills—Not Enough Anyway

Forbes Human Resources Council

Loren Rosario-Maldonado, Business Consultant and Chief Social Strategist at Cultura, Inc.

In today's job market, it's all about the hard skills bosses want to see that you have to do the job. As a result, soft skills are often seen as less important than hard skills. However, this view overlooks the fact that soft skills are essential for successful leadership.

Communication, empathy and interpersonal skills are intangible, but they play a vital role in ensuring that businesses function effectively. Even the most qualified employees will need soft skills to reach their full potential. In other words, hard skills may get you in the door, but soft skills will help you succeed.

They're difficult to quantify and measure.

How do you measure the intangible? It's a question that has perplexed philosophers and scientists for centuries. And it's a question that remains relevant in the business world, where quantitative data is often prized above all else. But as any good manager knows, some things can't be measured with numbers.

Take, for example, employee satisfaction. Sure, you can survey your team and ask them to rate their happiness on a scale of one to 10. But what does that number tell you? Is an employee who rates their satisfaction as an eight much happier than one who rates it as a seven? Probably not.

Though difficult to quantify, qualitative data can be just as valuable as quantitative data. It can provide insights and benchmark progress in a way that numbers alone cannot. So next time you're tempted to dismiss something as "difficult to measure," stop and consider whether it might be worth measuring.

They're only sometimes taught in school or at work.

Leadership, critical thinking and teamwork are invaluable skills that are only sometimes taught in school or at work. Leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal. Critical thinking is the ability to think logically and solve problems. Teamwork is the ability to work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.

These skills are valuable and applicable in any situation; developing them takes time and effort but is worth it because they can give you an advantage in any situation.

They're not always considered when hiring or promoting employees.

Collaboration, teamwork and time management are often considered in hiring or career pathing decisions. However, several other skills can be just as critical in the workplace. Here are some of the most underrated skills that employees should possess:

1. Communication: The ability to communicate concisely and effectively is essential in the workplace. Whether you're writing reports or memos, giving presentations or interacting with customers, communicating effectively can make a big difference in your career.

2. Problem-solving: The ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently is valuable in any workplace. Whether you're troubleshooting issues with customers or co-workers or working on complex projects, finding creative solutions to problems can be a real asset.

3. Flexibility: Adapting to change is essential in today's ever-changing workplace. With new technologies and processes being introduced all the time, adapting and learning new things quickly is critical.

4. Organizational skills: Organizing your time and tasks efficiently is another underrated skill that can be extremely helpful in the workplace. It can make a big difference in your career if you stay on top of your work and meet deadlines.

5. Diplomacy: In any workplace, there will be conflict from time to time. Being able to handle conflict diplomatically is a valuable skill that can help you resolve disputes quickly and efficiently.

They can be improved with practice.

It's often said that practice makes perfect. But what exactly does that mean? Is it simply repeating the same activity until you get it right? Or is there more to it than that?

To understand how practice can improve performance, it's helpful first to understand the concept of intention. Intention is the mental state that precedes and guides our actions. When we set an intention for our practice, we are much more likely to see results. That's because we focus on a specific goal and have a clear purpose for our efforts.

Of course, intention alone is not enough and must be accompanied by training and discipline. We must be willing to put in the time and effort needed and be open to feedback in order to see results. Practice is a process, not a magic wand.

They're essential for personal and professional success.

We all know that success takes hard work. But what often gets overlooked is the importance of good interpersonal skills. Communicating effectively and collaborating with others is essential whether you're trying to climb the corporate ladder or build a successful business.

Think about it this way: No matter what industry you're in, you will always deal with people. Whether you're working with clients, vendors, customers or colleagues, your ability to build strong relationships plays a significant factor in your success. Those who can master the art of networking, persuasion and conflict resolution will likely have a bigger advantage.

If you want personal or professional success, remember the importance of honing your interpersonal skills. You can take your career to new heights with the right attitude and a little practice.

Although soft skills are often seen as less important than hard skills, they're essential for personal and professional success. They may be difficult to quantify and measure, but that doesn't make them any less critical. Remember that practice makes perfect if you want to improve your interpersonal relationship skills.

Consider taking a class or reading a book on the subject. Next time you're hiring or promoting employees, don't forget to consider their soft skills—you might be surprised at how much of a difference they can make.

How are your interpersonal relationship skills, and how are you sharpening them?

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