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How To Focus On Energy Management Instead Of Time Management

Forbes Human Resources Council

Director, ECM Space Consulting.

Before the pandemic, it was customary for employees to rise early, make their way to the office and dedicate a minimum of eight hours to their work. Punctuality and attendance were highly regarded, and some companies utilized time tracking systems by scanning employees' access cards upon their arrival and departure from the office building.

As an HR performance management professional, I often discussed time management and monitoring with employees. Interestingly, if a manager extended their own working hours, their team members tended to linger at the office, believing this would create a positive image of a dedicated, diligent employee. For example, when a colleague was working at the overseas office, he noticed overstaying was standard for local employees. But he would complete his work by 5 or 6 p.m. and resume his duties at 8 or 9 a.m. the following day. This sparked interest among colleagues who were surprised that his performance remained unaffected by this more traditional schedule.

Many people overwhelm themselves with strict or unrealistic deadlines. The apprehension of being judged for failing to meet these deadlines compels them to exert more effort, but it often results in diminished effectiveness. It's challenging to envision our professional and personal lives without encountering stressors, but it's within our reach to optimize the energy we invest to ensure the effectiveness of our work. Here are several good habits everyone can use to maintain a healthy balance between time and energy management.

Activate your energy through alternating activities.

If you find yourself feeling fatigued during the workday, take a break and engage in something entirely different. For example, if you work from home, you can tend to your home or do an activity like biking or running. If you're in the office, you'll be surprised by the reenergizing impact of simply walking outside for a few minutes.

Plan your week.

If you have flexibility, try to determine your high-productivity days and plan time-consuming and essential tasks for those days. For instance, some people might prefer doing important tasks on Tuesdays because they feel settled and haven't hit the midweek slump. Track your energy levels, focus and accomplishments over a few weeks so you can identify your patterns and make adjustments to optimize your productivity. Ultimately, the most productive day is the one that aligns with your unique work style and objectives.

Reward yourself for accomplishing goals.

There's no need to wait for a significant achievement to celebrate your accomplishments. Consider creating a list of smaller tasks for the day and rewarding yourself with something after completing them. Whether it's going shopping, taking a stroll in the park with your kids or spending quality time with friends, commit to engaging in pleasurable activities when you've completed a task. This can provide a motivational boost to help you maintain your energy.

Be lazy from time to time.

A lot of people experience a sense of embarrassment when they find themselves being lazy, particularly in the presence of unfinished tasks. However, it's important to recognize that times of low productivity can often be a signal from our bodies that we're experiencing stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. If you find yourself lacking the motivation to complete your tasks, slow down and give yourself a break. While watching television or engaging with social media content may not be the most productive use of your time, it can be beneficial for relaxation and providing a mental diversion from your thoughts.

It's important to remember that managing high energy levels is a personal journey, and what works best for one individual may not work for another. Experiment with different strategies to find the ones that align with your preferences, work and lifestyle. Engage in positive social interactions to share your energy and enthusiasm with others. The key is to use your energy productively while maintaining balance and avoiding burnout.

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