Top 10 Benefits of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Benefits of an Applicant Tracking System
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Whether you are trying to “sell” an applicant tracking system to your management team or CEO, or you are looking to find a better way of managing your candidates and resumes, here are the top 10 benefits of an Applicant Tracking System .

1. Publish your jobs across multiple third party job boards as well as your public job board

With a few clicks, you can post a position to major job boards like Indeed, Google Jobs, LinkedIn Limited Postings, Glassdoor, JuJu, Monster, CareerBuilder, as well as social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter). Have consistent, branded job postings across job boards and your own website.

2. Enable Candidates to Quickly and Easily Apply for Jobs

 This might sound straightforward, but creating an easy and accessible application will allow candidates to quickly and easily apply to your organization. In today’s competitive market, having an ATS will enable you to appeal to the maximum number of qualified candidates.

3. Manage Candidates all in one place and manage the entire recruiting process via your custom workflow

Gone are the days of trying to manage multiple email folders and Excel spreadsheets. Using an ATS allows you to customize your workflow to match your current process.

4. Quickly Identify the Best Candidates and don’t waste time on those that are not a fit

Use pre-screener questions to quickly knock-out unqualified candidates and to prioritize the best ones using automatic scoring. Then systematically review interviewer feedback to focus on high-priority candidates so you can quickly make offers.

5. Automate Routine Tasks

Send notifications to candidates. Schedule interviews. Gather interview feedback. Rate candidates. An ATS can automate all of these functions and more, enabling recruiters to the highest value-added activities.

6. Enhance Reporting and Compliance

Keep management up-to-date on the candidate pipelines for each job and effectiveness of different job boards. Easily capture, track, and report voluntary EEO data, while remaining in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the EEO/OFCCP.

7. Streamline Employee Onboarding

Once a candidate has accepted an offer, automatically move them through the onboarding process. Use the system to ensure the completion of paperwork, scheduling of required initial meetings, set-up of IT services, and more!

8. Your New Employees Virtual Assistant

A hire portal with username and password allows for a secure portal for your new employees to see all relevant information and see all tasks assigned to him or her.

9. Eliminate all Employee Onboarding Paperwork

Easily assign all new hire paperwork such as state and federal tax forms, health plans, employee manuals, training videos, etc. Have the new employee complete and sign all items online.

10. Improve Communication & Reduce Friction

No more chasing down interviewers to schedule interviews or gather feedback. Don’t worry about notifying candidates. Easily provide status updates to management. Let the ATS do it!


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