Weekly digest

The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Top stories of the week for recruiters

In a new report from the Harvard Business School, authors Joseph B. Fuller and Manjari Raman propose a solution for companies struggling to find and retain qualified workers: advance existing employees.

“Employers are going to be under duress to come up with new ways to find people,” Joseph says, “[and] the easiest way to fill a job is to keep the person who’s in it.”

The report, Building from the Bottom Up, focuses primarily on companies that employ frontline and low-wage workers, but there are lessons to be learned no matter who you’re looking to hire. For instance, Joseph stresses the importance of measuring retention programs with the same vigor as companies analyze their products.

“We don't run the processes of evaluating, supervising, hiring, and training employees with the same type of analytical rigor that we do in a lot of other processes,” he says. “If we were doing quality control on manufactured products with the same unevenness, lack of follow-up, and measurement tools we use for adding value to workers, cars would be breaking down constantly and planes would be falling out of the sky regularly.”

To find more highlights from the report, be sure to check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down the list, you can also learn what recent college graduates are looking for as they start their careers; why one U.S. Federal Reserve official “doesn’t buy the Great Resignation”; and how we can all be better mental health allies.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. Desperate for Talent? Consider Advancing Your Own Employees First (Harvard Business School)

2. The Great Resignation Has No End Date (Axios)

3. Best Workplaces 2022: America's Top Companies to Work For — and What You Can Learn from Them (Inc.)

4. College Graduates Are Interviewing for Jobs, and They Have a Lot of Questions for You (Yahoo! News)

5. Tech Industry Warns That More Remote-Work Jobs Are Headed Out of U.S. (The Wall Street Journal)

6. Asian Employees Feel Least Included at Work of Any Demographic Group (USA Today)

7. Fed Official Says He Doesn’t Buy the ‘Great Resignation’ — Suggests Employers Play Up Labor Shortage to Avoid Paying Higher Wages (MarketWatch)

8. How to Be a Mental Health Ally (Harvard Business Review)

9. Data Reveals Uptick in Jobs Focused on Culture, Well-Being, and Flex Work (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

10. For Tens of Millions of Americans, the Good Times Are Right Now (The New York Times)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

Forecasting the Future of Work (Talent Culture)

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