Exclusively for Technical Recruiters

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Sourcing Software Developers? There is no better place than Github. And our tool, GitHub User Search, is the best tool for finding lists of Developers. I want to tell you how to integrate it into your sourcing process by combining it with LinkedIn.

First, search with our tool. The search syntax is complex. But typically, you will only need to search for:

  1. Programming language, e.g. language:python
  2. Location in every way you can think of spelling it out, e.g., location:SF location”San Francisco”

Example: language:java location:NYC location:”New york” location:NY.

You can also search for keywords, but note that Github does not have a field for the job title, and few have filled out the company field.

As a result, you obtain an Excel file with up to 1,000 records with these fields:

  • Username
  • URL
  • Name
  • Company
  • Location
  • Bio
  • Social (up to four social profiles and a blog URL)
  • Number of followers
  • Emails  (which we discover and provide).

You can also search several times in different ways to merge the exports for further processing.

Some of the records would already have LinkedIn profile URLs. You can collect the URLs, run them as a batch with SalesQL, filter, and review the output. This makes part of your ready-to-email list of potential candidates.

Then, if you have LinkedIn Recruiter, upload a CSV file into a designated project with a list of all the emails from the export and any first and last names (the names do not matter). This will cross-reference the batch against LinekdIn and let you search within it, creating an additional distribution list.

Email is a unique identifier, but you can also work with other information within the records. For example, you can search on LinkedIn for the location and the language name plus an “OR” of first and last names from the export in keywords.

This makes for a productive, fast process with rich results. The combined information collected from LinkedIn and GitHub facilitates personalizing the outreach.

We will be running various scenarios of the tool usage along with tons of other material in the upcoming in-depth

Three-Day Tech Sourcing Bootcamp

 (March 26-28, 2024, Tuesday -Thursday)

Please see the full agenda and register on the site – and hurry! Only a few seats are left.










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