When Is the Right Time to Update Your Resume?

Have you ever been told it is a good idea to keep your resume up-to-date, but never quite knew when the best time was to start updating it? Well, you are not alone. Many professionals are in the same boat and are not sure when they should begin revamping their resumes. Whether you are actively searching for new employment opportunities or happily employed, updating your resume should always be a recurring task on your to-do list. Your resume reflects your professional qualifications, skills, and experience. It can also determine whether you get called for an interview or not. To increase the chances of getting noticed by hiring managers, it is essential to keep your resume updated and make it easy for resume parsers to read.

Update your resume as soon as you achieve an accomplishment

Waiting until you are about to apply for a job to update your resume is a huge mistake. You never know when an opportunity will arise, and you must always be ready for it. You could land a promotion, finish a successful project, or take on a new responsibility that adds value to your resume. The best time to update your resume is when you achieve an accomplishment or milestone in your career. This way, you keep your resume up-to-date, and you will not forget important details when you finally need it. Also, do not forget to include any seminars or conferences you attended during that period. This will help recruiters to know how up-to-date and informed you are in terms of industry knowledge and trends.

Update your resume at least once a year

Even if you do not have any significant accomplishments to add, it is crucial to update your resume at least once a year. This way, you can ensure that your work history, education, and skills are current and accurate. It also helps you stay organized and review your career path, identifying areas of improvement or potential career paths. When updating your resume, make sure that all information is current and accurate. Double check dates, job titles, employers and any other information listed on your resume before submitting it anywhere. Also look out for typos or grammatical errors; these can be easily overlooked but can have serious consequences if left unchecked. Be sure to also include any certifications or licenses that may be relevant for a particular role – these could help boost your chances of getting the job!

Use Active Verbs to Describe Your Accomplishments

When describing your accomplishments, use active verbs that showcase your ability to make things happen. Consider using words such as “increased,” “improved,” “generated,” and “led,” among others. These active verbs provide a clear picture of what you achieved and how you contributed to the success of the team or organization.

The Importance of Making Your Resume Parsable

Most companies rely on an applicant management system that automatically scans resumes for specific keywords. This automated system makes the hiring process easier and faster for recruiters and hiring managers. By making your resume parsable, you are increasing your chances of catching the

To make your resume parsable, keep your formatting simple and consistent. Avoid using graphics, symbols, and logos that can confuse the applicant management system. Using bullet points instead of paragraphs can also make your resume easier to read.


Having an updated, machine-readable, and easily-parsable resume is essential for any job seeker in today’s digital age. The best time to update your resume is when you achieve a milestone or accomplishment in your career, ensuring that your work history, education, and skills are current and accurate. It is important to always proofread your resume for errors. It is essential to make your resume easy to read and understand, with consistent formatting and minimal graphics or symbols. This way, the recruiter can focus on your experience and qualifications rather than getting lost in the details. Remember, your resume is your first impression, and having a strong resume that stands out is critical in landing your dream job.