Dialog with LinkedIn Engineering

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Hello All:
I am grateful for LinkedIn Engineering Management for reaching out in response to my post. We are now getting some incredible technical knowledge from a LinkedIn Engineering Director, who is reviewing a list of issues I had reported. They have already fixed one issue and acknowledged another (the need for better timeout handling). It feels like the first-ever real chance to be heard and improve the platform. Both sides are interested. My contact also responds to feature requests. 
I am sharing detailed explanations of functions, feedback on issues, and potential improvements, as I get them, on our Facebook Group “Boolean Strings.” (Unless we think of a platform. The write-ups are pretty detailed – and interesting.) There are more LinkedIn issues being reviewed, and I await further information and maybe fixes. I will eventually be sharing the progress and insights here on my blog.
Your comments and participation are welcome! 
Here are some curious bits we have learned from LinkedIn Engineering so far:
– When you enter a few words into the Skills filter in Recruiter, it invisibly puts quotes around the words – unless you use Boolean operators. This syntax is unique!
– Skills are stored together as a blob, so some of your phrase searches will catch the end of one skill and beginning of the next.
– They replaced self-entered skills search by much wider “calculated” because they want to display more results. Most LinkedIn InMails go to the same people.
– They are generally moving away from Boolean toward semantic (uh-oh).
– They won’t implement some search filters – or index more parts of profiles – because it is expensive (in terms of required software resources).
I will share some technical insights in this week’s webinar

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