Staffing Industry Trends and Insights: March 2023 Poll Results


Stay up to date on staffing industry trends. Every Friday, we post a LinkedIn poll to gain valuable insights from you and your peers. We appreciate your feedback, as it helps us better understand how we can place highly qualified candidates in the right positions.

Did you miss February’s results recap? Check it out here.

Explore our employer poll and candidate poll pages to learn even more about recruiting trends in 2023.

Many Companies Think Inflation Will Impact Recruiting in 2023

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.33.12 AMAccording to our LinkedIn poll, 72% of participants believe inflation is a recruiting trend in 2023 that will impact companies’ hiring priorities. Thirteen percent of those who think inflation will affect recruitment called out hiring contractors as to how many companies will adapt their hiring strategy to combat rising costs.

These results align with many other industry report findings. According to SHRM’s 2022-2023 State of the Workplace report, 86% of HR and non-HR employees surveyed said inflation is their company’s number one concern,1 and Resume Builder found that four in 10 of the companies surveyed are hiring contractors to replace laid-off employees.2

By being proactive about the impact of inflation now, companies can adjust their recruitment process to remain successful in 2023 and years to come. The first step organizations can take is to audit their budget to see where funds are going. Then, they can implement any changes to make sure they’re investing their time and resources into the most valuable places for growth.

Discover the Resources Hiring Managers Use to Find Top Talent

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.35.22 AMBased on our poll findings, almost half of those surveyed chose LinkedIn networking as their go-to resource to find top candidates. The second most common response was to use recruiting websites, followed by working with a staffing firm. Attending career fairs had the least votes, with only 3% of poll participants choosing this option.

These statistics from LinkedIn make it easy to understand why it’s one of the most popular methods for finding highly skilled talent.3

  • About 49 million job seekers use LinkedIn every week to find open positions.
  • There are 90 job applications submitted on LinkedIn each second.
  • There are eight candidates hired through LinkedIn each minute.

Resources like LinkedIn and recruiting websites make it easy to connect with job seekers and highly qualified talent in seconds, no matter where you are. Career fairs can still be good resources for connecting with candidates near your business, but it limits your talent pool, especially in the world of remote work. By working with a staffing firm, organizations can extend their reach even further.

See How Other Businesses Streamline Recruiting in 2023

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.37.06 AMOne of our latest polls found that about half of voters think limiting the number of interviewers is the best way to streamline the hiring process, followed by recruiting virtually and working with a staffing firm. 

These results align with another one of our polls that asked job seekers what they think is the most challenging interview format. Forty-six percent of the participants chose panel interviews as the most challenging interview style. 

By having only one to two interviewers, organizations can make the interview and hiring process take less time for everyone. At the same time, it also helps interviewees feel less overwhelmed when asked questions. 

Most Organizations Plan to Hire for Remote Positions

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.39.03 AMThis LinkedIn poll found that only 10% of participants don’t plan on hiring for remote positions. More than 55% of voters plan to hire for exclusively remote positions. For those taking a hybrid approach, 23% of participants are hiring mostly remote positions, and 10% are hiring primarily on-site positions.

Buffer’s 2023 State of Remote Work survey shows that many workers enjoy working from home.4 These are key findings from the 3,000 global remote workers surveyed.

  • 98% of those surveyed want to work remotely at least some of the time indefinitely. 
  • 68% of those surveyed said their experience working remotely is “very positive.”
  • 40% of remote workers surveyed said their work-life balance is “very healthy.”

By being open to remote work, organizations can get access to highly skilled workers all around the country or even the world. Offering remote work to existing on-site employees can boost retention, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. With inflation increasing the cost of goods and services, remote work can also help businesses reduce their in-office expenses.

Learn How Others Optimize Their 2023 Recruiting Strategy

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 9.40.54 AMForty-two percent of those who participated in part one of our employer poll series said that developing an onboarding process is the most important element in a hiring strategy, followed by creating a trackable hiring process and posting on multiple job board channels.

An effective hiring strategy doesn’t end after the candidate accepts the job offer. Without an onboarding process, employees won’t be able to do their best work, and if they don’t feel supported in their new role, it could lead to more turnover.

Employers should have an onboarding process in place to keep top talent and set them up for success. Creating an effective onboarding process can be difficult, especially in a remote environment. To get insights into when onboarding should begin, how long it should last, and more, download our free resource, 7 Tips for Effectively Onboarding Remote Employees.


Recap of Recruiting Trends in 2023 from March Polls


To recap, based on the data from our March LinkedIn polls, these are the latest recruiting trends in 2023 about inflation, resources to find top talent, streamlining hiring, remote work, and creating a hiring strategy:

  1. Many companies believe inflation will impact hiring, such as by hiring more contractors.
  2. LinkedIn networking is a great way to connect with and find top talent.
  3. Limiting the number of interviewers can help streamline the hiring process.
  4. Most companies are hiring for either all or some remote positions.
  5. An onboarding process is one of the most important elements of a hiring strategy.

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1 SHRM, Report: Inflation, Labor Shortages Top HR Concerns in 2023, January 30, 2023.
2 Resume Builder, 1 in 5 companies are “quiet hiring” contractors to replace laid off workers, January 23, 2023.
3 LinkedIn, About Us - Statistics.
4 Buffer, State Of Remote Work 2023.

Written by Sparks Group

Sparks Group

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