New 2019 Staff File Management Solution Brings Big Benefits for HR This January

Start with a new employee file solution now for big benefits this January in the human resources department.

It's a a good time to think about upgrading your Human Resources filing system for 2019.  If your team would like to hit the ground running this January, here are a few tools you'll want to consider as you evaluate staff file management solutions

File Checklist Reports

Long-gone are the days of manually tracking required documentation in staff folders.  Management of these files are a lot easier from the cloud with automated checklists.  Simply view a report to show you exactly which employees are missing specific required forms and files in their folder. 

Document Renewal Reports

Managing time-sensitive staff files is simplified, too.  A report can detail which staff have licenses, credentials, or other documents coming up for renewal.  Or view all files by expiration date to easily plan ahead.

Role-Based Access

When records are on paper or silo'd in different places, staff file management can be overly complicated.  Now there is no need to waste time shuffling documents back and forth between different groups.  Consolidate files in one place with easy compliance by giving Payroll, Benefits, and your other teams access to just the files they need to see

Online File Requests

When an auditor, attorney, or staff member requests to see specific files, you have the option to share with them remotely.  Simply send them a link to access just the files they have requested.  You can even set a time limit for viewing the files. 

Scanning Automation Tools

Paper is still a big part of daily life for most HR teams.  Having a quick and easy way to convert your existing paper files, as well as handle future paper, is important to think about. 

A scan-to-cloud file management solution will allow your HR team to go paperless fast in-house.  Automate the filing of an entire paper folder as it is scanned, or batch to the cloud and breakdown into different documents on your computer screen.

Forms with Automatic Filing

To eliminate paper in the first place, the move to electronic forms is a powerful one.  Replace paper with reusable online templates for your onboarding packets and other forms.  Staff can review, complete, and sign documentation online before their first day, or in person.  Once completed, all forms are automatically filed in your new hire's folder in the cloud.

Get Started Now for January 2019

DynaFile has been helping Human Resources professionals manage staff files easier for 18 years.  Save time and cut costs while boosting compliance and organization across your HR, payroll, and benefits teams. 

“On paper alone the cost savings is in the thousands and possibly the hundreds of thousands when all is said and done." – Laura Martella | Director of HR | San Diego Zoo

Get the San Diego Zoo Case Study

Visit to start fresh this January.

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