6 Challenges of a Recruiter and How to Overcome Them

Recruiting for one or more open positions, with such an enormous talent pool spread across dozens of websites and forums, has become more difficult than ever to navigate in the age of remote working. Potential candidates now span from local job seekers to global digital nomads, and while that means the potential to find the perfect employee will increase significantly, it also makes it exponentially harder to find the ideal employee.

However, with a combination of efficient time management and optimized AI recruitment tools, some of the toughest challenges of finding the right company fit can be navigated with relative ease.

1. Finding The Right Applicants

Arguably the most important step in the recruitment process, and one of the biggest challenges of a recruiter in the digital age, is finding the right applicant for the job. An abundance of qualified candidates is a fantastic problem to have, and while it comes with its own challenges, having limited to no qualified applicants at all can bottleneck the entire recruitment process.

By utilizing AI ad placement software, recruiters can get their job listings in front of the right candidates from the start, as opposed to casting a wide net and hoping for the best while sifting through hundreds of resumes. Working in conjunction with PandoExchange, an expansive network of hundreds of job posting sites, recruiters can worry less about finding qualified candidates and focus on optimizing the rest of the hiring process.

2. Engaging Applicants During The Hiring Process

One of the biggest challenges of a recruiter when it comes to remote hiring is the inability to catch the attention of every qualified applicant. It is important as a recruiter to be available to candidates, answering any questions they have regarding the position and following up with more information to remain top of mind for the candidate. Unfortunately with varying time zones and work schedules, candidates are looking for jobs 24/7, and recruiters can’t possibly be available at every second of the day. 

Recruiters can overcome this challenge with the help of AI Chatbots, the most widely used type of AI recruitment software available. Created to hold a human-like conversation at any hour of the day, a good chatbot can:

  • Tailor an automated conversation to specific roles based on advertised position
  • Provide information to a pre-screened, qualified talent pool
  • Automatically schedule interviews with compatible candidates

3. Meeting All Position Requirements

While looking for the ideal candidate, another challenge of a recruiter is finding the best match for a given position to satisfy both the hiring team and the prospecting applicant. The perfect fit is out there, absolutely – but the chances of finding someone who meets 100% of a job’s requirements are much lower than someone who meets 80%. 

Staying flexible and giving opportunities to candidates who may not meet all the criteria of a position, especially in regards to hard skills, will open up a recruiter’s talent pool. These candidates may need a little more training, but may also bring additional skills to the table that add value to an employer’s team that they weren’t aware they needed. 

4. Hiring Diverse Candidates

Candidates with tenacity and talent come from many different backgrounds, educations, and locations. Recruiting more diverse candidates can only serve to help an employer, by introducing new ways of thinking into the company culture.

Lessening the rigidity of position requirements, being flexible on working hours, company holidays, and gaps in work history can give fantastic candidates a chance to succeed where a needlessly inflexible position does not. Happy, loyal employees make for a better workspace, company image, and more committed workers overall.

5. Know What You’re Recruiting For

Qualified candidates will likely have questions, not just about a recruiter’s company but also regarding the open listing. A recruiter may find it difficult to answer specifics, especially when it comes to more senior positions. It’s important that recruiters take time to discuss with an existing team member about common terminology, tools, and technology, and if possible, conduct an interview with someone knowledgeable in the position to eliminate confusion and facilitate a smoother, more informed screening process.

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