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LinkedIn Live: Organizational Storytelling – Employer Brand

Organizational storytelling creates more alignment and less waste among culture communicators in your organization. This and more top takeaways from Stories Incorporated’s LinkedIn Live discussion.

Stories Incorporated partner Jill Shabelman oversees the Stories Inc. project team and all client services. Jill and her team conduct interviews with employees to uncover compelling stories about their experiences. Then, they develop media — videos, blogs, emails, graphics and more — to support culture storytelling goals. By overseeing large, complex employee storytelling projects, Jill and her team have seen firsthand the benefits of using an organizational storytelling approach.

“There’s lots of benefits. It creates alignment,” she continued. “What I love about organizational storytelling is, it means no waste. You’re able to use more, because more people are getting value out of the work you do.”

Watch this LinkedIn Live to learn:


  • What is organizational storytelling?
  • What are the benefits of taking this approach?
  • How can it activate your employer brand?
  • Ways to capture stories globally
  • How you can implement organizational storytelling at your workplace

You can watch the full LinkedIn Live on organizational storytelling here:



Preview: What is organizational storytelling?

“It surfaces important cultural moments and corporate decisions that impact people,” Jill explained. “Then, organizations use these stories to engage all different types of audiences who have an investment in your culture.”


Organizational storytelling: the story flow


Preview: One tip for success


Identify other potential uses and share your story content with other teams

Initially, we worked with Choice Hotels to uncover stories about their tech talent for recruitment marketing. But, we uncovered this story and it’s an example of how multiple groups, not just recruiting and employer branding.  “Choice’s organizational promise is they want everyone to feel welcomed, wanted and respected and this video shows that,” Jill said. “It could be used in onboarding, talent, highlight an ERG, internal comms could use it to celebrate PRIDE month, marketing can include in their DEI, even customers could resonate… Choice wants anyone who walks into a property to feel this way too. Customers seeing this could extrapolate, ‘Choice takes care of their employees, which means they’ll take care of me as a guest.’ There are so many use cases for a video like this.”


Watch the LinkedIn Live for more examples! 


Want more information on organizational storytelling? We literally wrote the eBook on it. Download today!