Helpful Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

With a new year starting and many of us putting together a list of New Year’s resolutions, we want to help you make sure they are successful.  Here are a few easy ways to set yourself on a path to success:

1. Keep it simple- don’t set yourself up for disaster. Set realistic goals that you feel you can take on and accomplish.  Focus on one or two of the most important goals.

2. Be realistic- Look at past years that you set goals for yourself. What were you able to accomplish and what got pushed to the side? Will you be able to afford the resolution? Will you be able to follow through?

3. Break it down- take your goal, small or big, and set smaller goals within there. For example, if you want to start exercising more often, start small and promise yourself you will go at least once a week. Over time, build that up to at least twice a week and so on.

4. Set time frames- a time frame will act as a barometer for success and check in with yourself. Put reminders in a calendar and plan ways to evaluate your goals and progress.

5. Share with friends and/or family- this not only will help you build a support system, it will make you hold yourself more accountable. They will check in on your progress and act as another tool to keep you on track.

6. Reward yourself- when you achieve something, give yourself a reward to acknowledge reaching a milestone!

7. Don’t give up- if you hit a setback, don’t let that stop you completely. Recognize what happened, make any necessary adjustments and move forward.

  1. silverchairpartners posted this