What NOT to do after a job interview

Finding a new job is a crazy rollercoaster ride—the emotional ups and downs are completely normal. That being said, there are definitely things you shouldn’t do…

1. Don’t freak out! Don’t go nuts and drive yourself crazy while waiting to hear back from a job. Sara McCord, a freelance writer and editor, suggests that you give yourself one week to think about the job as much as you want. After this week, it’s back to the job-hunting grind!

2. Don’t cross social media boundaries. Once you’ve crossed this line, there is no turning back. Friend requesting as interviewer on Facebook suggests that perhaps you don’t know how to distinguish employer from employee.

3. Don’t drop the ball during a follow-up. How you follow-up after an interview is equally as important as the interview itself. Show them the same great person that they saw during the interview!

4. Don’t forget to send a thank you! Some like to do it in writing, but with how quickly things move these days, your best shot might be an email right away the following day. This gives you the opportunity to make a great follow-up impression without any gap in between.
