Encouraging signs

POOF! And just like that- we are back at the helm with the job market coming back to life! We have some new, retained SCP unique searches to fill, and we are psyched to get our recently unemployed and employed (but bursting-at-the-seams) candidates back to work and back on track!  With that said, here is one of the heartfelt (Covid- inspired) epiphanies we wish to share with you, our core and most respected candidate class whom we have selected as a member of our most accomplished, skillful and best-in-class candidate pool. The obvious question is then; What does that entail exactly? What makes someone an ideal SCP candidate? 

Your experience can range from three years to 30+ years. Here is the deal; we gravitate towards the rarer candidates who are genuinely passionate about being the best EA/PA/COS (or career trajectory support) in supporting the Global leaders and Executive level ninjas at the highest echelons. We always curate to identify the candidate who TRULY enjoys being the person behind the person, who enjoys being the leverage to their boss; the person who doesn’t succumb to becoming a diva even while supporting a CEO/MP/President/Entrepreneur/Rockstar/Diplomat/Celebrity etc. We seek the detail person; the caring and thoughtful person; the person who works well with others; the gatekeeper who is assertive without being aggressive. That said, here is an off-piste but worthwhile thought for you. Ready?

Many, many people have lost their jobs or had hours scaled back these last few months. Today, still living in a pandemic simultaneously laden with financial anxiety and job/career planning needs, we find that the majority of people are scared. Most don’t have a clear idea of what the future brings as far as personal safety, physical ability to return to work, kids who may or may not attend school this fall, etc. Perhaps a silver lining of this absolute chaos is an opportunity to re-style your life and design your future. Take the time to examine what you liked and didn’t like about your pre-Covid life and career.

You don’t have to simply follow the path you were on. You certainly can, but perhaps there is a way to improve on a few elements that could provide more of what you now know is essential to your overall well-being. You now may *possibly* have a choice to reroute/recalibrate — and this is a unique time to explore! 

Let’s connect!

With love and silver shamrocks, the SilverChair Partners family 

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