An employment gap comes with a huge wave of emotions and differs for every person. But one of the most common things people experience during an employment gap: free time. Whether free time is something you are used to or something brand new, here are some tips to help you during your transition.

1. Update your resume. While this might be the last thing you want to do, it is definitely the most important. Already have a new job lined up? Add that new role to your resume. Searching for a new job? Make sure your resume is clean, error-free, and focused.

2. Learn something new/learn about something more. Having relevant certification and specialized training can make a difference when applying for jobs. And internal training is equally as important to note. Look for opportunities that could further expand your skillset and benefit your career. These details can make all the difference.

3. Reach out to your contacts. If you want to get your resume into the right hands, using those industry connections is key. Let them know you’re transitioning and looking for new opportunities—you can’t get help if they don’t know you’re interested and open.

4. Focus on quality, not quantity. Instead of applying to as many roles as possible, focus on submitting really strong applications. The last thing you want to do is use the “spray and pray” tactic—applying to tons of positions, hoping that someone will bite. Your focus must be on quality, because your resume has to be outstanding to stand out from the bunch.

5. Remember that it takes time! At the end of the day, finding a good fit takes time. There are many factors that are part of finding a new role, and it’s hard for everyone! While having extra free time can be anxiety provoking, remember to use that time wisely. As long as you’re doing everything you can to find the right job, there isn’t much more you can do. Enjoy the free time you have while you have it—it will be gone before you know it!
