
You’ve made the decision to leave your current role (it look a lot of contemplation, but you realized your ultimate unhappiness).  After taking the next steps and establishing a rapport with a recruiter, building an online brand, and editing you resume, you received an interview for a fantastic new opportunity.  Long story short, you are offered the job!  WAHOO!  But then, after all of that, your current employer causes some trouble by making you a counter offer, one which seems very difficult to turn down. 

Sure, at the time you were super jazzed about this counter offer, but you quickly realized it was a huge mistake.  YIKES!  However, DO NOT DISPAIR!  If you find yourself in this position, before you make any moves, check for the following signs that the counter offer is definitely not a mistake.

1.       NOTHING HAS REALLY CHANGED:  Why did you want to leave in the first place? Were any issues cleared up, or is everything the same as it was before? Counter offers often contain material perks like stock options, a raise, etc.  But don’t let these benefits make you forget your initial reasons for wanting to leave.

2.       THINGS ARE ACTUALLY WORSE THAN BEFORE:  If your employer’s couldn’t see you were unhappy before you decided to give notice, that speaks volumes.  If you get a new salary package, your employer might demand more from you; you might think this pay raise is just a fair reflection of all the hard work you have ALREADY been doing.  No matter what it is, you definitely dread going into work more than you did before.

3.       YOUR INNER VOICE IS SCREAMING OUT TO YOU:  Forget #1 and 2—maybe you got all the rewards you hoped for from the counter offer!  But something still doesn’t feel right.  You might not be able to pinpoint it, but something is bringing you down.  Bottom line is: if your inner voice is telling you something, LISTEN TO IT!

If you were taken aback by a counter offer, we can assure you that you are not the first and you definitely won’t be the last.  So to set yourself up for success in advance, make a list of what you are looking for in your career, beyond material perks.  Let your recruiter know about what you want—they are there to help you! And, last but not least, don’t be too hard on yourself for taking the counter offer.  Think of it as less of a mistake and more of an opportunity to learn about what you truly want from your career.  Happy job hunting!

  1. silverchairpartners posted this