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Blogging About Recruitment (and other time wasting exercises)

By May 25, 2017No Comments

A quick blog post from me this morning.  There are a number of reasons for that:

Firstly, I have an inbox full of things that need my attention. Most of which have to do with recruitment and recruiting and suchlike.

Then there is the small matter of my brain not working quite how it should this morning following last night’s wine and cheese evening at Generator where I had all of the wine and none of the cheese.

And last but by no means least I’ve been reminded of the importance of being a recruiter, rather than a blogger, by Auckland’s top Rec-to-Rec practitioner (see below)


It does beg the question what is the point of writing blog posts about recruitment though.  Over the years I’ve seen many start up blogs and many eventually give up on it too.  It’s a labour of love, for sure, and one that can feel like a needless distraction when there’s so many other things demanding your attention, all of which seem more pressing.  Whatever your own opinions might be on the individuals involved I take my hat off to the likes of Ross Clennett, Greg Savage, Ed Hunter and the inimitable Matt Charney (to name a few) for their commitment to creating content and conversations within our industry.

I started writing The Whiteboard blog over seven years ago now because I thought it could be a vehicle for a few things combined:  an outlet for my love of writing, an opportunity to get some much needed debate and discourse going in our industry, and of course the hoped for benefit of raising my own profile and my company’s brand in the industry for which I recruit.

Most of those aims have been ticked off now. But I’m going to keep on blogging. You don’t have to join in if you don’t want to, but if you do want to voice an opinion on things going on in our industry, then this is one of the forums that is open to you. Thanks for being here.

It’s true that between 9am – 10am on Fridays I’m a blogger and not a recruiter. So if you’re looking for a new job in recruitment in that one hour of the week then you might want to talk to Scott, or Claire, or maybe even Sean.

Look at the time. Gotta go. I got me some recruiting to do.

Jonathan Rice

Director of New Zealand rec-to-rec firm Rice & Co, co-founder of freelance recruiter platform JOYN, and people-centric technology firm superHUMAN Software. Recruitment innovator, agitator and frustrated idealist, father of two, husband of one, and lover of all things Arsenal and crafty beer.