Tips For Your Job Interview Introduction

Your first impression can make or break you, and you don’t get a second chance at a first impression. Here are 10 tips that can help you make the most successful job interview introduction:

1. MIND YOUR BODY LANGUAGE. You want to show your interviewers that you are confident, so stand up straight, control your nerves, and walk in a calm and collected manner.

2. DON’T FORGET TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Never assume that people know who you are—introduce yourself by your name! And make sure you know the name of the person you are meeting.

3. MAKE EYE CONTACT. Eye contact = confidence. Obviously you don’t want to stare intensely (that can be unsettling), but looking someone in the eye shows that you are listening.

4. BE POSITIVE. Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you. Fight off stress by staying positive—this energy will be noticeable to the people you are meeting.

5. HONE YOUR HANDSHAKE. Most people shake hands upon first meeting. So be mindful of your shake! Make it strong enough to show confidence—too weak and it will feel like a limp noodle. Try your handshake with a few friends for practice.

6. ACCEPT SMALL GESTURES. Small gestures help to create that positive energy that you want. And this is definitely a way to impress a potential employer.

7. BE ORGANIZED. Organization is key to being successful. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row before the interview—this will let you really focus on getting the job.

8. STAY DRY. Sweaty palms are not the most pleasant. Tissues, handkerchiefs, paper towels—all great resources for getting rid of excess sweat. You don’t want to be remembered for having clammy hands!

9. BE FRIENDLY. You never know who you will meet during the job interviewing process. Being kind to all really does go a long way, so present yourself in the best light possible.

10. DO A QUICK REVIEW. Now of course you’ve done your research, but give it a quick scan while you’re waiting to be interviewed. A little bit of a refresher will help calm your nerves and make you feel extra confident.

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